Help missed the ending

Can anyone tell me how this mini series ended did they all survive the war.Was watching on Sunday but only saw parts 1 and 2.


From what I can remember can remember from parts 3 and 4 Bruno stole all the champange from his fathers cellar to give to the Nazis while his father was still in war. When WW2 ended he came back to discover that Bruno had stolen all the stuff from the cellar and kicks him out of the house. Meanwhile Freddie is in the air force stationed in England where she makes friends with a women called Jane. Freddie later meets Jane's brother Tony and they and up getting married plus having a child. Her sister Delphine works as an actress before her boyfriend is taken by the Nazis for being a jew. She asks for Bruno's help to find out where here boyfriend is but gets nowhere. As for Freddie after WW2 she want to continue flying and goes back to America with Tony and their child were she starts work at the air field where she learned to fly along with Jock. Tony, who gets annoyed as he wants to got back to England cheats on Freddie with another women who works at the air field before being caught red handed by Jock. Tony asks Freddie for a divorce. She later gets into a plane and crashs into a field and ends up with a few injuries. In the mean time Jock, who has feelings for Freddie takes care of her in the hospital. Bruno, after being kicked out by his father, goes to America where he gets a share in Freddie's business on the air field. Towards the end Paul, the father ends up having a heart attack and dies. During the funeral, Bruno shows up and spits on Paul's grave before Freddie slaps him before he walks away. After the funeral, Bruno says that he now owns the house and its grounds before telling Freddie, Jane & their mother to leave by the next day. Bruno then gots for a ride into the woods were he is ambushed and then shot dead by a young boy and other workers. This is because on the night when Bruno took everything from the cellar, the young boy and his father along with a third person were hiding to see what was going on. They were spotted and runs into the woods but when Bruno, followed with some Nazi soilders catch up with the boys father, Bruno shots him dead causing the boy to seek revenge. The death is ruled as a 'hunting accident' by the police. Eve, Paul's wife and the girls mother keeps the house while Jane and her boyfriend who is later reunited with her live together. Freddie moves back to America where she goes back to the air field to see her daughter taking a flying lesson from Jock. Freddie and Jock get together before they both go up to the plane for a flight which comes to the end of the film.

"T'ank you veddy much!"

(Formley The_godfather_06, Godfather_07 & Mr_Martini_08)


Thankyou very much


No problem

"T'ank you veddy much!"

(Formley The_godfather_06, Godfather_07 & Mr_Martini_08)


It's available on YouTube as well.

"Different is not good, or bad, only different." -L.A. Babcock
