what is this movie?

i did not understand one single thing, nor did I feel compelled to understand, and the acting was kind of awful.... can any person out there even kind of explain this abomination?


This movie is about romantic obsession, politics of art, and people's inability to connect with one another in a modern age. The main character is obsessed with somebody she doesn't even know, but she romanticizes from afar. The object of her affection is basically a male hustler with little feelings towards anyone or anything, as he simply uses his good looks to get through life. The woman writer is trying to create a piece of art about her late brother but finds her script has been majorly tampered with for the purposes of commercial viability. It's just a character study of three interlocking lives.

I found it quite interesting and actually more applicable now, in the internet age where people REALLY don't know how to connect without technology. Egoyan was ahead of the game.
