The Art Nouveau House

I just absolutely loved the Art Nouveau House (not the country house). Anybody have any information on where it is and if it is open to the public? Really stunning. I'd love to see it.


So do i...i'd love to know where it is. This movie makes me want to go to Montreal and Quebec.


It was a set....


The house seemed a little too crowded with furniture to me. I can't stand wall to wall furniture. I have no desire to travel to Quebec because of the harsh comments my mother used to make about that city, an evil town dominated by the Catholic priests.


Not sure how old you or your mother are, mate, but it's not the case these days. The catholic church lost its domination/control they used to have over the the province.


I read in one of he IMDB reviews that it was an actual house in Quebec, owned by the family the writer based the script on. (I can't recall the exact details. You could probably find the review fairly easily. I believe he gave the neighborhood the house is in. Maybe an address.


The review is titled "the movie is fiction, but the family is real" by ajkandy. He says the house is on Metcalfe Avenue in Westmount and has since been sold. The family is based on a real family but of course movies usually say any basis on real people is coincidental and unintentional. Yeah, right. The review may be full of baloney, as well. I looked at Google Maps 3D view up and down that street and did not see any house resembling the one in the movie.


The Art Nouveau house was my favorite scenes from the movie. It was so beautiful and mysterious. Love it!

"Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man."


I think this might be the house it's based on, in Quebec City

