Real money?

Haneke has said that this scene made people more disgruntled than the killing of the entire family.

However, I doubt it was real money; therefore, I felt more uncomfortable with the killing of the innocent little girl.


it doesnt matter whether it was real money or not, its the representation of. The didnt actually all commit suicide at the end.

The quest for a board without a troll goes on........


>it doesnt matter whether it was real money or not, its the representation of.

I know. I inferred that in my first post about Haneke. I was just curious from a behind-the-scenes standpoint if that was real money because it looked very authentic. That's all.


i hope it was real money.
just saying. sorry for no answer. ha.


Overall, the toilet had to be fake. Real money or fake money would clog a real toilet. If it were fake money, the plumbing film crew would have to flush it out real hard. If it were real money, the plumbing film crew would have to collect it out of the plumbing film crew's watering tank.



Funny that the question of what's more disturbing is between the child's (acted) death and the destruction of (possibly) money.

What about the poor fish? They were definitely real, and their deaths weren't acted.


They could have given that money away to a family that was much less fortunate than theirs.
But that would have ruined the effect.. Everything was worthless to them.
(I think the money was real).

Even though they had prepared us for her death, the sight of her lifeless body was horrifying.
This film was an unforgettable experience, and amazingly, I never found it to be trite, just blunt.

"There's a Confidentiality Issue there I'm afraid, Sir..."


Wouldn't it be great right now if they actually used real money. A lot of it.

It was that one shot of the girl that's the most shocking, but the actual cash hit home a lot harder than the house trashing did for me, good film.

"There's a Confidentiality Issue there I'm afraid, Sir..."
