Stupid Peter Berg

I couldn't tell what he was saying in 1989 and I still can't tell if he's saying "Dad" or "Don". Just hate this guy's voice; needs to get that deviated septum fixed.

Glad he's mostly behind the camera now.


I have this movie on now. It's the first time I'm watching it since the first time I saw it back in '89.
Love your post because I couldn't agree more back then when I saw it and now while watching it again.
What is it with him? Is it a accent or something? Ugh it's just awful!!! He ruins the movie for me!



He's definitely saying "Don" because his foster father's full name is Donald Parker. It's weird that he would call his foster mother "mom" and not him "dad" though.


At certain points like when he says to Don when pinker took over his body that he has to fight it dad

