MovieChat Forums > Shag (1989) Discussion > DVD owners please answer!

DVD owners please answer!

I read on another site that the DVD doesn't have the right music in it. Is this true? It is as terrible as people say? I would by the VHS but we don't own a VCR anymore.

Please Help!


I watched the dvd last night and the music seems the same to me.


The music is not the same (or nearly as good) on the DVD.


A VCR wouldn't help. I have an old, permenently borrowed version from the video store and a newer VHS release and the new one has the butchered soundtrack. It is surreal to watch. Sorry!


I rented the copy so many times on VHS because the VHS wasn't released for a few years to buy. The video store gave me the copy (treasured)... The DVD does not have the same music and it is a little sad.


Ok I am very curious now - how is the music different? I watched this movie on cable TV a lot when I was younger, and I just got the DVD maybe 2 years ago, so to me it seems the same, although I may not remember the music being different because it was so long ago? If anyone could post the differences, or what the DVD is missing, I'd appreciate it! :)


Okay so I ended up buying the DVD the only time I noticed the music was different was when they are driving out to Wee-Wa point. Oh well

"Wa-la that's French for Taa-Daa."


I have the DVD and VHS and the music on them are the same.



The music is most certainly different. I have the movie store copy vhs. My dad saw the dvd and bought it for me. They play the songs at different times and some of the songs are completely left out. I don't remember the showmens second song being on the dvd release. I will have to watch it again because it made me so made I haven't seen the dvd version in a few years.



The VHS at the beginning plays Momma Said there would be days like this... and DVD plays something different...

Almost all the music is different!!! there is even music playing where this no music playin on the vhs.... this sadens me deeply...

For all you who think the music is the same... watch it again, and again to you see it. YOu are not fans of the movie if you really think its the same!!!!


Older copies on VHS will have the original soundtrack. Newer copies will have different songs, or in some parts no song at all. For example, when Luann is chasing Melaina and her boyfriend along the beach, there is a song playing on older copies, and on newer copies there is no song at all. On older copies, the song "Shag" plays. On newer copies, "Mama Said" plays. I do not know about the DVD.


Ok people. I can see that you guys have not figured out why the music is not the same. I can tell you why. Their are two versions of Shag, the HBO version and the MGM version. The HBO is the best on. I went and purchased a copy not knowing that there was a difference. When I looked at the tape I noticed that it was a MGM version and not the HBO. I went to my local video store and they had the HBO version so I made the switch. If you check out the dvd it's the MGM version not the HBO that's why the soundtrack is different. Hope this helps everyone.

"Get on your shagn' shoes"



I have both versions and the music is different on the dvd, don't know why and have searched high and low for another version, still a fun movie but I like the VHS version a lot better


This is interesting to read... I guess I should never upgrade my VHS HBO version to DVD! ;)

Out of curiosity, why is there a difference between the releases (HBO/MGM, DVD) and are there any differences besides the music, i.e. censored dialogue, cut scenes, etc.? Thank you to anybody who can answer this!


the VHS version is the one with a different soundtrack but the dvd version has the original songs in it so it's the better version- dvd


I tried to clarify according to my experience with the different versions of this movie but after reading other posts I'm starting to see that there may have been even more versions than I initially thought. I taped the movie off HBO back in 1989 or so. I therefore never rented it from a video store bc I already had it. Later in 1998 I bought the movie on VHS and noticed about 5 or 6 of the songs had been changed. For instance the first song played as the titles are shown on my taped HBO version is a song called The Shag. On the VHS version the song has been changed to "Mama Said." Also in the HBO version after Melaina tells Carson if she's not happy there's "always divorce" they start playing "What Kind Of Fool Do You Think I Am?" but in the VHS version they play a different song. Also when Melaina rides off with Big Bob to Wee-Waw Point in the original "Seven Lonely Days" is playing but in the VHS version "Another Saturday Night" is played. There are a few more songs that are different. Also some of the sounds have been taken out of the VHS version. For example when Pudge drops the Metro-Cal and then the jelly out of Luanne's car in the original version you can hear a musical score or sounds but in the VHS version it is silent when you see the containers hit the pavement. I said in my earlier post that whichever songs you originally saw are probably gonna be the ones you are used to. I am used to the HBO version which is the same one that came out on DVD in 2001. My VHS copy from 1998 is different with songs I wasn't used to but it seems that maybe other VHS copies that had previously been released for use in video stores may have been different or the same as the original. All I know is that my VHS copy contains different songs from the version I taped off HBO but my DVD copy is the same as the HBO version. So in my opinion the VHS version stinks. I prefer the original HBO version which is what the DVD is. Hope this all makes sense. Maybe someone else has a different experience. I guess there's no way of knowing now where the original original theatrical version is out there? Is it represented by HBO or VHS or DVD? Like I said before- all I know is I like the HBO version that is also the DVD version bc I like "The Shag" better than "Mama Said" to be heard at the beginning of the movie as well as the others played with it- that is what I grew up hearing and loving.
