
I love this movie, but I mostly love this movie because I am from Spartanburg. Nothing really happens out here, so it's really awesome to think that someone mentioned us somewhere. I know during my summers, going to Myrtle Beach was the absolute thing to do, and it still is. This movie just makes me feel good when I watch it.


I know what you mean I'm from Wellford which is right by Spartanburg and it's cool to just drive down the road and kind of go hey they filmed parts of Shag here. I love the whole movie but to know that they filmed it really close to home is AWESOME!!!


I know what you both mean. I'm from Greenville but never heard of this movie until I was at school at Francis Marion in Florence, where part of the movie was also filmed. They have to poster up in the diner where they eat. It's in florence. If you look in the movie on the part where they're in the diner, you can see the man who owns the diner and his family looking out the window. The diner is still open. I can't remember if it's the SkyView or the 301. I think it's Skyview. Visit sometime. It's fun to think about it. And then of course Myrtle Beach is just down the road, with the Pavillion and all, and Sumter right around the corner.


I am also from Spartanburg but moved to California. There is absolutely NOTHING to do there. But seeing this movie was fun. Plus, my dad knew Lanier Laney. I think they grew up on the same street or something.


LOL Arielsong1... I find it funny you mention Sumter like its a tourist hot spot... I'm from there! It's so not... but it has its own charm.

How can you leave the past behind when it keeps finding ways to get to your heart?



I LOVE this movie as well. I'm originally from Knoxville TN, and we would drive through Spartanburg to get to Myrtle Beach when we would go.

Let me ask you this though, is the little song about Spartanburg for real?

Hail to thee our alma mater, hail Spartanburg High...


I went to college with a bunch of people from Spartanburg and from what they have told me, the song the girls sing at the end of the movie is the actual alma mata from the real Spartanburg High School.


Actually, I just graduated from Spartanburg High School and the Alma Mater is totally different. It might have changed from the 1960's to then, but right now this is the Alma Mater from SHS.

Dear Alma Mater, proud you stand
With a spirit strong and true
Inspiring truth and loyalty
In praise we sing to you
Let all our minds in one accord
Unite that honor may prevail
Thy sons and daughters sing to you
Dear Spartanburg High School Hail
Dear Spartanburh High School Hail..

there it is!
any more questions about Spartanburg in general?


The alma mater they sing in the movie is the actual alma mater of SHS from that time period. It was altered a few years ago, I think maybe in the early 90s.

The writer of the movie is a Spartan High graduate. Some of the footage of when they're briefly in Spartanburg was actually shot in Converse Heights.


I didn't know about this movie until I went to Converse--let me tell you, this was all the rage in the freshman dorm (this, and that Julia Roberts movie, that had a scene filmed in the Converse pool).

Took me three hours to figure out F.U. was Felix Ungar!


I'm from Greenville and the Summer of 1988 I had just finished my sophomore year in high school and all the talk was that a movie was being filmed in Myrtle Beach!

Dammit Carol Sue, where is the vodka?!


I was actually on vacation at Myrtle Beach when some of Shag was being filmed around the Pavilion because I recall wanting to go but it was closed down due to the filming that was going on. It's kind of sad now that the Pavilion is gone and unless things have changed since I last went it is now just a vacant lot.

I don't have much opinion of Spartanburg either way, but since it's in the western tip of the state near the NC border you can at least go up to Asheville.
