Pure 80's Cheeze.....

John Larroquette, Bronson Pinchot, Bess Armstrong, Stuart Pankin, John Schuck

All kept working post-80's, but all are pretty much remembered for their 80's work...some of which was pretty cheezy like this movie.


I'm a big fan of the '80s, and well as a big fan of cheese (and cheeze), but I found this film more irritating than entertaining. 4/10 stars from me.


Can't argue with any of that. This movie is like a train wreck I can't avoid watching for 20 minutes whenever I see it on cable.


If there were nothing else on, I'd probably give it 20 minutes or so as well. I honestly liked this at first, but it grated on me after an hour and a half. I guess you have to be in the right mood and set your expectations accordingly.


Hey, WarpedRecord! Fancy meeting you on this board! I don't know what made me think of this movie. Maybe because I was thinking of past crushes, and Bronson Pinchot was my first crush. I turned 13 in '89, and I only saw this movie because he was in it. I remember nothing about this movie. It probably wasn't very good, but that didn't matter to me back then.

80s cheeze? Yup, it was a cheesy decade.

Jim Hutton: talented gorgeous hot hunk; adorable as ElleryQueen; SEXIEST ACTOR EVER


Great cast.
