How's the child abuse?

I have PTSD from multiple forms of child abuse, which actually included ritual abuse. I'd really like to see this film, as I love surrealism and mindbenders and the like, but I also don't want to inadvertently lead myself into a flashback or anything.

I've already managed to find that there was a scene in which the child was tied to a chair and forcibly tattooed. That specifically doesn't sound very reminiscent of my childhood, but it's always kind of hard to tell what might trigger a reaction.

Was there: hitting, neglect, forced praying, crazy ranting about demons and the like, exorcisms, drunkeness, sexual abuse, misogyny (like men basically owning their wives like slaves to do with as they please), yelling, not allowing the child to have toys or listen to music or do things that normal children do, destroying the child's creations (artworks), poverty, hickishness, refusal to provide real medical care, living in filth, verbal (like insults), emotional (messing with emotions) or psychological (trying to make a person think they're crazy or believe something is real that isn't) abuse? Does the child have any siblings that are harmed or die?

(And people wonder why I don't talk to my parents...)

It's not like I'm a delicate flower or anything; horror is my favourite genre & I actively seek out messed up movies sometimes out of curiosity. I'm definitely no stranger to gore, violence or even rape, but it really depends on how it's handled as to what sort of feeling it will give the audience.

Generally speaking, I'm more likely to have a flashback or something if I suddenly see something reminiscent of the abuse that I wasn't expecting; for instance, in the case of Cube, when that guy tried to molest the young girl.

Thanks for any help.


The tattoo scene goes on for quite some time with a close up of the boys face crying hysterically in fear and pain.

I would stay away from all violent movies if you're at all easily triggered.

'Sound of Music' is a good wholesome movie, give that a go.


Thank you for at least describing one part of the child abuse in the film. If that's all there is, if I felt I needed to, I could just fast-forward it.

No thank you for the unqualified and unsolicited medical advice.

I don't appreciate you making fun of my illness and situation.


Thank you

You're quite welcome.


OldSamVimes, that was a really sh!te thing to say. What an @rse of a person you are.


I posted it so that people who judge others based on one post on an anonymous message board could judge me and feel better about themselves.

You're welcome bro. 



Jesus bro, you're a piece of *beep*

Some empathy would do wonders on you.


Thanks bro.

I hope that made you feel good. 


I... judge others... on an anonymous message board... and feel better

Woo! We can all play this game!


I realize this post is from a long time ago, but I also realize you didn't get the response you were looking for. The tattoo scene was probably the roughest for direct abuse, but there is some forced prostitution (more implied), and a child witnessing some grizzly death.

Frankly, if your concerned about some sort of PTSD flashback due to child abuse: Avoid this film (that is, if you haven't already seen it). To summarize the film very broadly, that's exactly what this film is about. A man with PTSD due to child abuse.


Thank you for your response. I still haven't seen the film.

Maybe I could watch it when I'm better at keeping myself in a more relaxed state, but probably not right now.

Thanks again.


Oh, I thought I should mention that I recently enjoyed David Lynch's "The Grandmother" (one of its main themes is child abuse) without any PTSD issues.

I think the reason it didn't bother me was because it was so surreal and the abuse wasn't very graphic. It was just too... I guess, separate from reality.

In any case, it's up on YouTube if you think you might enjoy it too. I thought it was really good; very atmospheric and emotional.


OH! I think if you were OK with The Grandmother, I think you'd be OK with Santa Sangre! But then again, it does sound like it would be difficult to truly assess your triggers since I would assume anybody who endured abuse growing up in an abusive household would be really bothered by The Grandmother, that the surreal nature would make it more jarring, the way the parents are almost literally animals.

The trigger from Cube you mentioned, I felt mentioning the forced prostitution of a female character was implied, but without giving much away: That scene isn't really bad/graphic, it's just depressing.

I can say with 90% certainty, you'd be fine with Santa Sangre.


Thank you very much for your help!


How would anyone be able to predict what would trigger you into some horrible flashback? The list you gave was so long that pretty much every movie ever made features at least one of those things. Yelling, drunkenness, poverty & insults? For serious? Heck, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory hits on pretty much all of those.


I'm a real kewl kat.🐈


I know..

.. but evidently I was the douche-bag for suggesting 'Sound of Music'. 

There are so many great movies without child abuse or extreme violence in them, no need to watch this if you're easily triggered.



Yes, my life is a joke or entertainment. I'm so glad you are entertained.

Have you considered a psychological assesment for your lack of empathy?

I'm not actually joking. In any case, maybe you should consider being less of a jerk.

If you don't have an answer to my query, I can only assume that your reason for posting was to belittle me and the things I have survived. Maybe to make yourself feel better about your own shortcomings. That is generally the reason people bully.

Perhaps you should go attempt to insult someone else if you aren't actually going to answer the questions that you post on.


Beep boop, pushed a button and suddenly annoying people are gone.

You know they are just trolling, i.e., saying pointless things just to bother people, to try to start sh!t, because their lives are sad and meaningless.

Yes, okay; I am just being mean now, but you have to admit that it is a rather sad pastime, and that perhaps it would be healthy for them to get a constructive hobby.



I'm a real kewl kat.🐈



Have you considered a psychological assesment for your lack of empathy?

Have you considered counselling to work on your victim mentality?


It's unbelievably brutal. And it's ALL REAL!!!

Please watch it as soon as you can.

And report back for more much needed attention.
