That Rabbit

I haven't seen this movie but I've heard something about a rabbit getting killed. Can somebody tell me more about that?


Yes, a rabbit is killed onscreen. A woman in Flint, having no other alternative, bases her income entirely on her butchered rabbits. They show the entire process of killing and gutting it, which I thought was disgusting, but it gives you a higher understanding of what these people had to go through.

By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.


Like Moore said in his book and in the DVD commentary, what about the black guy who was shot just a few minutes after the rabbit?

The rabbit was put out of it's misery quickly and it was then turned food (survival) for the family who slaughtered it. The black guy was nuts and had a toy gun that led to him being shot in the street.

Let's work out the equation here:

Rabbit > black man = the mindset of a bunch of misguided and sad, sad people.

Screw the rabbit, we need to save our society.



I believe the person asked a question. So then I answered it, not bringing in any irrelevant material. Yes, the scene with the shooting was horrific, but we weren't talking about that. And I was simply remarking that the rabbit scene was gruesome. Sure, the shooting was disturbing, but in terms of actual graphic content, the rabbit scene has way more.

By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.


There is something in Stupid White Men about the two scenes. I think Moore was talking about the MPAA, how they would rate the film PG if the black man was shot only, but they rated it R because the rabbit was killed. Strange, what idiots work at the MPAA?


I believe the person asked a question. So then I answered it, not bringing in any irrelevant material. Yes, the scene with the shooting was horrific, but we weren't talking about that. And I was simply remarking that the rabbit scene was gruesome. Sure, the shooting was disturbing, but in terms of actual graphic content, the rabbit scene has way more.

By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.


Stop following pinheads.

Bogdan is a Foagdon



Excuse me, this is a bit strange to me.

Each day most of you consume chicken, porc, sheep, beef, turkey, duck, lamb, veal, etc. Those creatures all need to be killed before it gets on your plate. That you don't see that happening, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. When you do see a woman kill a rabit, like my grandparents did too to rabits and chickens they held themselves, you're all shocked?

Humans of all times have done similar things (oh yes, and don't forget those "evil" Chinese who eat dogs and cats) and unless we all stop eating meat, that won't stop. (if we would all stop eating meat, we'll get stuck with a whole lot of animals and I don't think they'll survive on the charity of the cattle and lifestock farmers & co)

It really is like Michael Moore is pointing out something and everybody is watching his finger...


I've seen this movie at my school just a few days ago for my Tv production class and my teacher wouldn't let us watch that scece.


Mex787’s precious teacher is a conservative, censoring, bad teacher, nothing more nothing less. Does he/she consider themself a liberal? Because personally I think that she is warped. I'm sure he/she let you watch the black guy with the plastic gun get shot for no reason. Because hey, its only a living human being! But those poor bunnies...

You should tell your teacher that. It makes me wonder WHY he/she chose to let you watch the movie in the first place, seems it went way over his/her head.

Bogdan is a Foagdon


First off, my teacher is not a nazi you jag off, second, we're watching documentarys in class so we can get an idea on how to make documentary for a school project.


I'm sure your teacher is nothing near a nazi, but what i am sure of is that if he or she is showing you the film as a basis for how to make a documentary and leaving a scene out, he or she is setting the wrong precedent, and you should see that scene because it really drives home how the people of flint were basically reduced to slaughtering their own animals to make ends meet (no pun intended). But seriously, you should see that scene because it is an important one in the movie, albeit slightly unfun to watch.


I was just asking a question. I have never seen this movie and didn't know of any scenes but the rabbit and when he goes to Roger's house. I'm certainly more against a black man getting killed than a rabbit, because a rabbit is an animal. The man was a human being. I'd probably be more sad about the black man because I get more emotional about human deaths than animal deaths. The man with the toy gun would be more horrific to me.


"First off, my teacher is not a precious, conservative, censoring, bad teacher you jag off, second, we're watching documentaries in class so we can get an idea on how to make documentary for a school project."

And your teacher censored a scene that was what I think the most important scene in the movie! (next to me and my buddy) It changes the entire mood of the movie, and DOES show how these lay offs really do affect people. What’s this about Jag Off? There's no reason to use profanity because I offended your precious conservative teacher.

Bogdan is a Foagdon


"...was what I think the most important scene..."

"What’s this about Jag Off? There's no reason to use profanity because I offended your precious conservative teacher"

Let's address the first quote from your offensive message. Like you said, It's what YOU think!! This teacher's interpretation as well as his/her idea as to what's important in this movie at the given time (this particular class at this particular time) is just as important as yours. He/she should not be ridiculed just because he/she doesn't see things your way! Isn't that the feeling you are trying to convey you blind hypocrite!

As for the second quote from your message. What about calling someone you do not know in a situation you were not a part of a "Nazi" you idiot! Are you saying the word "Nazi" is less profane than jag off? would you be more comfortable being called a "Nazi" than being called a jag off? Of coarse not! You received a response for your use of profanity against someone you did not even know. It was a natural reaction on the part of the receiver. DEAL WITH IT!

you could have tried forwarding an inquiry to the teacher as to why he/she cut out the scene. The answer may have been more satisfying (or less..) than what the student gave you.


"would you be more comfortable being called a "Nazi" than being called a jag off?"
Yes actually I would, and it's not that offensive. I really do not understand why people get so angry because I said Nazi. The teacher CENSORED THE FILM. To make you feel better I will replace everyone of my posts to instead have, "Mex787’s precious, conservative, censoring, bad teacher" instead of Nazi to be more politically correct for this board and Jesus Christ!, dont take everything so literal. (Hopefully I didn't offend any Christian's with the above statement, that would break my heart.)

Bogdan is a Foagdon


sorry ok and besides, my teacher comes from the south and you know how those people are and this teacher has no experenced in film once so ever, he dosn't even know how to spell made, really he dosen't.




I just saw this movie, and for the record, was far more disturbed seeing the man with the toy gun shot than the rabbit.


I just thought I'd add a comment.

I saw 3 movies today, 2 of which featured the killing and skinning of a rabbit; the second being Roger & Me and the first being Swept Away (the original, not the Madonna remake). In Swept Away a man and woman are stranded on an island and the guy catches and kills the rabbit, much to the dismay of the woman... but she joins him in eating it because, hey, they have to survive.

Then I saw Roger & Me where the woman beats the rabbit senseless with a baseball bat before skinning it and gutting it.

Now, I just *knew* there would be a thread here about that lady and her rabbits. Why? Well, because there's a difference between buying packaged animal meat at the store and actually watching it being killed and readied for boiling/roasting.

Now, the Black guy getting shot, that's not new to most Americans. I'm Black and I just happen to notice that folks like myself appear on the news (and Cops) regularly in a similar situation as that guy. Maybe we don't see him get shot, but surely see him getting the hell beaten out of him (which is MUCH worse).

But the even funnier thing is, if you watch an action/horror movie, no matter how many people get killed, if there's an animal in it, that animal CAN NOT DIE by any means whatsoever (check out "Equilibrium", "Cliffhanger", or "Once Upon A Time In Mexico" and listen to the commentaries for good examples of this)

That's right people, Americans value the lives of animals over their fellow man.

That is all.

"Action is how men express romance on film." -- Kurt Wimmer


People are animals too. If you say they're not, you base that on the Bible or another religous text. And if you say that, you basicly say that we are allowed to rule the world as we like. Many people tried to point out how "special" humans are to point out we're the best of the animals (remember when you study the evolution theory that humans are on top allways?). There's not a real reason to think we're so superior to the rest. Because being special isn't a reason to think we're not animals. A bat has a sort of sonar that it uses to navigate while flying. That's special, but it doesn't make him superior to flying animals who don't have that.

We humans just eat vegetables and other animals, like other do in nature. Only we tend to raise animals just for us and turn it into an industry. But that's just recent history (only the last 2000 year for most domestic animals and for mass agricultural production of lifestock and cattle 100 years or so but mostly after WW2) when you compare it to "us" being around for hundreds of thousand years.

Clubbing an "innocent rabbit" and being so shocked shows us how hypocritical we are. First because of the lack of sympathy with that man who is shot with that cape and toy gun. Second because we're totally estranged by the idea of killing while most eat meat daily or at least several times each week.

But "we humans" re quite dangerous and able to destroy every living thing on earth a couple of times over. I guess that's special but I wouldn't call it superiority above the rest as it's just complete and utter madness.



Still to this day I can't believe the reaction over that rabbit.

The woman had to eat, forchristsakes. What was she supposed to do? Starve to death? I guess watching a hungery human being starve to death isn't as horrible as watching a rabbit get killed.

"Action is how men express romance on film." -- Kurt Wimmer


Now, the Black guy getting shot, that's not new to most Americans. I'm Black and I just happen to notice that folks like myself appear on the news (and Cops) regularly in a similar situation as that guy. Maybe we don't see him get shot, but surely see him getting the hell beaten out of him (which is MUCH worse).

Moore actually addresses this in Bowling for Columbine, which I recommend seeing if you haven't already. If I remember correctly, he went somewhere that's supposed to be really bad (Compton, I think) and it turned out to be perfectly normal. It seemed that the actual amount of crime in the area hadn't really changed in quite a long time, but the networks were just covering more and more of it with every passing year because that's what keeps people glued to the tv.

In the case of Cops I think it might be a bit more innocent than that, though. They're obviously not going to send a crew into the middle of Iowa or somewhere like that because there's just not enough crime. They're gonna go somewhere with high population density, and most of the time that means lots of minorities. To be honest though, when I think of Cops I always picture drunk rednecks trying to talk their way out of getting arrested for beating their wife, who's also their sister. Could just be me.




The man was shot because he was threatening police. The bunny wasn't doing anything.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes



it is very similar to the rabbit scene in Nekromantik if you have seen that.



I am glad I never saw that scene.
If the rabbit was killed quickly and painlessly, I wouldn't have minded. But no, it was beaten with a bat. That ,to me, is not a quick death. That is a brutal, horrific death.
And if the bitch was laughing while she did it, then she is psycho.


