MovieChat Forums > Roger & Me (1989) Discussion > Cars were well made unions got too greed...

Cars were well made unions got too greedy.

Wake the heck up.
The country is run by criminals.

Wars are for drug runners.
Criminals plant stories to screw over honest hard working business people because they want a piece of the action.


They infiltrated journalism schools so the truth is left to who to tell??????

Example Bill Ayers University of Chicago.

He's a thug whose father is a liar drugrunner

Now we have one of his "students" in the WH.

They attack journalists for telling the truth.

Funny they have a movie about Elvis where he looks like an idiot but he went to Vietnam to save kids from a drug war and they killed him.
They didn't kill him at war they waited for him to come home.

See "Reaching Out" by Larry Burrows. Its Elvis in Vietnam.
He had a twin who played him after he died in 1969.
