Jack Abramoff

This movie was produced by Jack Abramoff, the D.C. lobbyist now in the crosshairs of some investigation. Anyone know any more about his connection with this movie?


no but I just heard about this on Nightline so I looked it up LOL ^_^


The Senate hearing investigating Jack Abramoff and a man named Michael Scanlon (possibly the director of some unknown soft-core film, "Restless,") for defrauding Choctaw Indian business investments in Mississippi is presently being aired on CNN. Tune in!


Yesterday he was indicted on unrelated fraud charges, also. And he's involved in the Tom DeLay scandal. And there's an ongoing investigation regarding his secret lobbying work with the Superior Court of Guam.

Seems that his lobbying work is just like Red Scorpion: criminally bad.


here's an article on Abramoff and the movie...



I guess this article's what brought us all here, isn't it LOL. I'd never heard of this movie before.

"It's as if God created the Devil...and gave him...JAWS"


If you want to pick up Al Franken's new book he talks about it in detail on pages 159-181...


He produced this movie.--Phidippides


It's not surprising. In an interview, Ann Coulter labelled "Red Dawn" as one of her favorite movies. Reminds me of the "OOH, NAVY SEALS" guy in Clerks.



"Red Scorpion" was part of Abramoff's propaganda/lobby work on the part of the apartheid South African government. He was hired by that government to improve it's racist undemocratic image in the U.S. and to demonize Nelson Mandela.

The Black African anti-Communist revolutionary was based on Jonas Savimbi who was a stooge for the apartheid S.A. government and of U.S. conservative groups like The Heritage Foundation.


Michael Medved says (today on his radio show) that he was asked by Abramoff about reviewing the movie. He said it was the worst movie he ever watched, unreleasable...


Wow... When your damned by someone of the caliber of Medved... That is around the time to get out of the business. Too bad Abramoff hasn't had much luck in his latest profession! LOL

Most interestingly from that Salon article is the brother, Robert Abramoff. He is listed on imdb.com as still having an active producing career. His latest movie coming out in 2006 involves a kidnapping the President's daughter, played by the girl who performed as Violet in the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory film.

Wild, wild, wild stuff!


While Michael Medved may not hold a lot of sway within the mainstream film criticism industry, he does carry weight within the conservative end of entertainment review.

History discussion forum @http://www.westerncivforum.com/forum


Also a girl Melanie Abramoff is cited in the credits of "Doubting Thomas", the movie about the president's daughter.
Looks like someone is plugging their own family.
The plot thickens...(no, not the movie's plot, the Jack Abramoff & family plot..)


Have you noticed Abromoff's IMDB number is only 9106, which is pretty low for someone who only made two movies. Conspiracies?


Start with Sat. 21 January entry at http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/ and see how far the rabbit whole goes


This was just featured as the basis for the 3 questions for "Not My Job" on NPR's "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" quiz show- hilarious. The guest was Gary Hart, even!


Funny...the Jack Abramoff-Red Scorpion connection sounds like a good subject of a trivia question.

History discussion forum @http://www.westerncivforum.com/forum


That's exactly why I'm here. I heard it on NPR this morning and thought WTH?
So, is it true what they say abou it being propaganda? It wouldn't surprise me. Not that it worked on me, not having seen the movie...


An excellent article in the April 4, 2006 edition of the weekly standard. The author interviewed with Abramoff about writing a book about the making of the movie.



After watching the Casino Jack Documentary I think the idea behind this movie is even MORE ridiculous than it already was.
