MovieChat Forums > The Rachel Papers (1989) Discussion > Wow no chatter at all for this movie

Wow no chatter at all for this movie

I just caught the end of it on Showtime, it seemed pretty funny. Is it worth watching the whole thing at some point? I literally only caught the last 10 minutes, but it seemed pretty solid.


Can someone please tell me how it ended. i have only caught it late at night and i fall asleep at the end. It would be helpful thanks. It was a good movie so far!



Yeah, and he's a MORON. You get Ione Skye and then you don't WANT HER. AHHHHHHH... you eeeeeeediot!!!


Wait a minute... who am I here?


QUOTE - Doom: "Yeah, and he's a MORON. You get Ione Skye and then you don't WANT HER. AHHHHHHH... you eeeeeeediot!!!"


But then perhaps the bigger idiot is Ione Skye for ditching James Spader and going off with Dexter Fletcher in the first place?


Amen to that!


Maybe Deforest (Spader's character) was a pain in the neck?

(No, nicebat, not that sort of pain in the neck. I have to keep reminding him he's a frugivorous bat or he goes all Transylvanian on me.)

Nicebat and I had to party.


Maybe, but Dexter Fletcher's character was a much bigger, obvious, pain in the neck. In fact, IMO, that goes for Dexter Fletcher too.


I don't know anything about Dexter Fletcher so I'll take Thumper's Mum's advice and not say anything at all. I last heard Fletcher's voice when he was narrating a TV thing on BBC2 about the madness of modern life or something. There were these very middle class parents going on about how competitive it is to throw birthday parties without being judged badly by the other parents.

There was a lovely moment where one of the interviewees was saying, "Yoga? For 5 year olds at a party? Even for round here, that's going too far!"


Nicebat and I had to party.


Yep. I was a bit mean there about Dexter Fletcher. I just developed an intense dislike of him as this movie progressed but I guess it was the part he played. I should have saved my venom for Charles', not him.

It never seems realistic to me when someone completely nerdy walks off with an attractive, even beautiful, girl like Rachel. 'Charles' has nothing going for him. He isn't good-looking, sexy, clever, interesting, socially adroit or particularly intelligent.

I have a theory that men who write these stories are a bit like 'Charles' themselves and having him succeed answers their inner fantasies (also those of the guys who watch the movies or read the books).


Oh well, it's probably a compliment to his acting that you subconsciously thought of Dexter as being himself rather than playing a role.

I don't know what Rachel saw in Charles, or what anyone else saw in anyone in the film. That was the big problem with it. Even Deforest only had his looks going for him.

Nicebat and I had to party.


Jonathan Pryce was funny as Norman, albeit in a lunatic way, a real loveable rogue, though I don't know how we're supposed to believe he could have caught an upper class businessman's daughter, let alone married her!

Jared Harris had a laid-back dispersion that made his character (Jeff) very likeable, but ironically, despite this he was the only person who remained single through the entire film.

Dexter Fletcher is a really nice bloke in real life, I met him at a recording of the UK video-games-based show "GamesMaster" in the early 90s. But come on, would you choose someone with his looks over James Spader?! Charles was obnoxious, but his character in the novel was not supposed to be likeable anyway.

DeForest was a big control freak, I think that's why Rachel dumped him, maybe she went with Charles coz she felt sorry for him? That sort of thing does happen in real life.


"He isn't good-looking, sexy, clever, interesting, socially adroit or particularly intelligent"

No Charles isn't good looking, sexy, socially adroit, interesting etc., but I have to say that he IS very intelligent. Three top grade 'A'-levels (English, Biology and Logic) and a place at Oxford University is no mean feat. Plus in the film, he was also a talented writer and had advanced skills on a computer for that era when IT was not so well-emphasised in the UK


I realised afterwards I was wrong about his intelligence. It's just that Charles doesn't act intelligent - just goofy.


Charles is clearly bright, but, as the Michael Gambon character points out, he is in with saying things which sound good but are a bit meaningless. "Have you ever tried to educate someone urgently?" was one of his remarks, although those may not quite be the exact words.


Nicebat and I had to party.


"Have you ever tried sidestepping a splint, by the way? Or educating someone urgently for that matter?" A darkly humourous line, that one, for Michael Gambon!

Charles was so passionate about the whole thing, but his face when his life's work was taken to pieces by Gambon said it all...


Correct me if I'm wrong, it's been a while, but wasn't she topless for much for the movie? Well, more than a few seconds in one scene? I really enjoyed this quirky, yet largely unbelievable movie. Probably in large part because I was enamored with how gorgeous Ione Skye is...


Yes she was. And I also agree that the story may be largely unbelievable in that she would dump James Spader, let alone hook up with Dexter Fletcher; but then, that's part of what makes the film so interesting - the fact that, initially, this unlikely relationship works well for a while before Charles realises that his seemingly perfect 'woman' has her own annoying quirks and he soon becomes tired of her...




The only thing that kept me interested was Ione Skye being naked and some surprisingly graphic sex scenes...again not a bad thing but I had to watch Dexter Fletcher naked too, couldn't block him out of my mind while I was concentrating on Ione.

I'm not really sure what the movie really was about. Charles Highway was irritating, and I had little reason to root for the little english chap because he was such a superficial person. I didn't find much to like about Rachel either. She seemed terribly manipulative, perhaps unintentionally so...just born with that evil gift.




Read the original book by Marrtin Amis - if the film had stuck with the original book material instead of straying away from it, it could have been loads better!

