Anyone read the book?

I like the book more than i do the film. Although i do still love the film. Its just that ending, and how desperate and soppy they made charles look, compared to charles in the book.

Also why have ione play her character as american? She is english herself and english in the book. It didn't make sense to me as this film was not marketed for an american audience.


Couldn't agree more!

The book is WAY better than the film, and the film didn't do justice to Charles Highway's character as Martin Amis wrote him up. Charles character was much stronger in the book, in the film he was too weak and sappy.

It's far easier to understand Charles' actions and why he acts the way does in the book than in the film, basically because his isolation comes off more like a precociously intelligent writer who just didn't fit in, and was a social outcast, rather than the nerdy computer geek and goofy womaniser they made him in the film.

Even though it was still quite apparent that Charles was being completely dishonest and false in his relationship with Rachel, in the book it was easier to relate to Charles and associate with his descriptions of the school environment (of which he was a complete misfit and felt largely isolated) and dealing with his family.

In addition, DeForest was much more clearly controlling and conceited in the book than in the film so Charles' rivalry with, and dislike of, DeForest was much more understandable and you could sympathise with him and actually root for him when he stole Rachel from DeForest

Perfection is boring - flaunt the imperfection!
