Saw cut movie

I just saw this. I could not resist the title. The review says the following:

"one man has his limbs hacked off, before being impaled (between the legs) on a pike; a fat guy gets stuck trying to escape, and has his ass eaten; and even a little girl gets reduced to spare parts by the demonic old dears!"

I saw none of this! It looks like some editor did more cutting than the aunties! Regards.


That's the original TROMA US release! 99.9% of all gore scenes are either shortened, or completely missing! Not only that, the aspect ratio is completely out of whack (pan % scanned). I f'd up version that isn't worth the time or money to sit through. Check out ebay UK for a German version from XT Video (which is non-anamorphic 2.35:1 and completely Uncensored). Yep, the USA version is a disgrace - and stay away from their Blu ray release too - the picture quality is crud / is reframed and missing copious amount of dialog..

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."
