Eight Reindeers?

This may not be quite a Christmas Classic, but is a very cute (if so sad much of the way) Christmas movie. I'm 22 and a Senior in College now, and this was one of the first movies I can remember seeing in a theater, so it's kind of special to me.

I watched this again on AMC the other night, and have a question about the ending. On AMC, the ending showed the girl seeing Prancer join Santa in the sky. I did not see however, what I was so sure I remembered seeing; after Prancer joins Santa, a shot of the town again, and Prancer once again being up on the reindeer decoration in town (he fell earlier in a scene in the movie).

Am I totally crazy, thinking of another movie, or did the AMC version cut this and perhaps some other material from the movie?

Thanks - Roger Priddy (Movie Critic for UNCGreensboro's The Carolinian)


The only thing that happens after she sees him fly away, is a birds eye view going over the town, seeing all the places the film took place, then pans right into jessicas bedroom window and the screen goes black.


I think they cut it because I also remember seeing the decoration w/ prancer IN it at the end.

If you're a bird, I'm a bird


I just double-checked the DVD. I can't say whether AMC included the scene that tracks from Antler Ridge through the town to Jessica's window, but I can say that in that scene, the line of reindeer strung over the street does appear. Prancer, however, is not in the string of reindeer. There are seven reindeer and the third spot (Prancer's) is empty.
