George Bush Jr. Cameo

Watch for a young George Bush Jr in the role of the car stereo salesman.


If you're serious, you're mistaken and if you're joking, you're joke was childish and obscure.

"Tell me, Cliff, what color is the sky in your world?"--Dr. Frazier Crane


C'mon admit it...

They look and sound a lot alike


I've never seen this movie(I want to) but thats funny!

"All Greeks know what is right, but only the Spartans do it."(300):3/9/07


It actually is quite good (better than expected production values and earnest performances, but the ending is very Hollywood, very weak). All in all, though, it's an impressive work by Native folks working on a shoestring. More power to them!
The reason I took offense at the President Bush insult is that I teach on a reservation and one of the critical things I demand from my kids is that they show respect to the chain of command regardless of personal likes or dislikes. I have always taught this, whether it was Bill Clinton or George W. Bush. In the military, it's called "saluting the office, not the officer."

"Tell me, Cliff, what color is the sky in your world?"--Dr. Frazier Crane


Actually, mr. Inspectator71
It was made by handmade films (george Harrison production) On a shoe string budget

Chris rowland


That's Inspectors71, Chris.

You know, the only thing I didn't like about Pow Wow Highway was the cheesy quick-fix ending. The car's brakes are out, the folks are in grave peril. You drop it into low and grind the car into the dirt hill. You don't all scream and Hollywood-style drive off the cliff.

I know, bitchbitchbitch, but I actually did lose my brakes on a 7% grade and that's how I stopped my ancient pickup.

"Tell me, Cliff, what color is the sky in your world?"--Dr. Frazier Crane


I know they butchered the ending. It was almost as if they said,"Oops we forgot the ending, someone quick, bring me a pad and paper!" And they proceeded to jot the it down that very minute. LOL

Chris rowland


How boring of an ending would that have been?

In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary: "Come again?" - Brick Top, Snatch



You are an immature idiot. The concept is far from exclusive to the military; whether or not a child loves his or her parents, it is expected that he or she obey them and other adults, and learn from them life's lessons. Respect does not instantly mean subservience. I respected and obeyed the adults in my life as a child, and now I see their flaws. But I learned from their mistakes and their victories and I am a better person for it.
You are, once again, a brainless dolt or so locked into an adolescent snit, that I strongly suggest that you get counseling.
Finally, you aren't even adequate at vocabulary. Jingoism is the belief that since a nation is inherently superior, anything it does is justifiable. This is a gripe that some large children often spout about this country, ignoring the fact that we are pretty good at circumspection (notice the change of power in the Congress?). I don't care to argue with your obviously sniveling, socialist America-hatred; I don't suffer idiots well. This nation makes mistakes every day. It's people are flawed. We are human. We try to do well.
But, to a whining adolescent boob like you, since America is imperfect, it must be just awful.
Grow the hell up.

"You eat guts."--Nick Devlin


Inspectors71, I wish we had teachers like you off the reservation. You're needed at our local high schools here in Southern CA. Your students are very lucky to have you, your knowledge, perspective and wisdom guiding them.


Thank you for the kind words, zippywebgenie. I could be a smart aleck right now and say that you're a fine judge of character, but I really do appreciate what you said. Actually, I thought about deleting the comment because I was so torqued at the other guy. I sort of lost my temper and vented.
Thanks again.

"You eat guts."--Nick Devlin



It's sad that you teach on a reservation, yet you know nothing about tribal politics.

Why should Native kids on a reservation have to salute the United States president? Haven't you ever heard of a little thing called sovereignty? It's not like white kids are taught to respect tribal leaders.


Har Har Har! Did you finally see it? Did ya? Did ya?

Chris rowland


It's actually pretty funny ... if you have a sense of humor that is ...



As with many socialists, your statements are illogical or incoherent. With your illogic and incoherence in mind, may I suggest you vote for the people you believe match whatever it is you believe in. You can take this suggestion with whatever amount of salt grains you like.

Finally, I've never liked the old "America, love it or leave it" thinking. I preferred the "America, change it or lose it" line. Since you hate this nation so much, and assuming you have no faith in America conducting itself in a manner you approve of and no patience in trying to change her, may I simply suggest that the exits are clearly marked?

"You eat guts."--Nick Devlin


first i have to say that i get so tired of hearing half witted herd like bush bashing every single day everywhere i go.his term is coming to an end so just get over it,and regardless of who becomes next people like you will hate and insult that person too saying the same thing everyone else says instead of an insult of your own.

second inspectors71 i want to thank you.
im 35 when i was in 2nd grade we had a teacher that decided to teach us manners or common courtesy by having us do simple things like say please and thank you to the cafeteria ladies at lunch.
and to this day i still follow there example, so many people today seem to act as if it is going to hurt them to show a little decentsy to people.
people are obsessed now with some idea of people having to earn there respect first, and thats all fine and well but you dont have to act as if they have automatically earned your disrespect.


Thank you, newwavepop, for your compliment. I do try.
Take care!

"You eat guts."--Nick Devlin


I think this discussion is a riot! Hi, Chris Rowland!! Don't know if you remember me.... I was the female cop in the jail who pushed A Martinez around. Also, David Seals' wife at the time (no longer)and Sky's mother.
I also thank George Harrison for producing this film. Sure wish he was still alive to do more of the same. Say, is anyone else pissed off about how they changed the BOOK when they made this movie? If they had stuck with the story in the book it would have been a much better film. I know that George Harrison didn't mean for them to change it because he had read the book and loved it. All of you who like this movie should read the book. You'll laugh your asses off.
