Teller talking?

I saw the last half of this movie on Comedy Central or something a few years back, and I vaugley remember teller begging for his life at the end. Am I hallucinating, 'cause Teller never talks, or am I remembering this correctly?

Goodnight and joy
be to you all.


Beg for his life? No. But he does his fair share of the end voiceover monologue with Penn.

Aside from that though I'm fairly certain he's silent for the other ~95% of the film.


I don't want to spoil the ending if you don't remember it (so you'll just have to see it again!), but he speaks quite a bit in that big multi-death scene at the end. He's not begging for his life, though. Just trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

He also says just one line in the closing voiceover; something like "If only we had used different names," at the very end.

If you want to see it again and can't find it to rent, it's probably because most rental places have ditched VHS, and it's not out on DVD yet. Send an e-mail to [email protected] if you'd like to see it released!!

-Nikki (isn't giving up 'til it's on DVD, damnit!)


he totally talks.

teller is the coolest living human being on the face of the planet--just look at his class SHOES, for god's sake.



He was in a baseball movie called "Long Gone" (without Penn) and had a regular speaking role as Henry Gibson's son -- great casting!

There was also an episode of the Simpsons with a P & T guest appearance. The animated Teller talks, and it is actually Teller's voice.

If you've ever seen Penn & Teller's live show, he actually does quite a bit of talking -- but it's all offstage or with his back turned or some other gimmick... So the joke is that we never "see" him talk, but of course we know he does.


Is it me or does Teller sound like Master Shake from Aqua Teen Hunger Force?

If you can't laugh at yourself, laugh at everybody else.
Peace, Love and High Fiber,



I thought he has a kind of weird voice, but maybe it's just because I'm not used to hearing him... *shrugs*


He also speaks in Penn and Tellers Magical Mystery tour. Where they go to India, Egypt, and China and check out traditional magic. I'm unsure which particular epsiode, but im pretty sure he speaks in one of them.
On a side note, if anyone ever picks up this DVD the opening credits are just horrible. The dvd was sponsored by CBC and i'm sure the singer was hired by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. ughhh *shudder*

Wooo, movies.


For anyone who is interested, here is a clip of Teller speaking at the end of Penn and Teller Get Killed. Spoilers, beware!

And here is a clip of Teller speaking during the Magic and Mystery tour:


It may be good, but it ain't chocolate.


Most of his lines were in a slightly higher pitch than his usual speaking voice, but that could be due to hanging upside down. And someone else asked, and he speaks at length in the Egyptian episode of Magic and Mystery Tour, about a specific street magician outsmarting him with the cups and balls trick.


If you see Penn and Teller live you can meet them afterwards for pics and autographs and Teller speaks freely. He talks for about the last five minutes or so of the movie quite a bit. It's a shame this movie seems to be lost.


He speaks, but he's not begging for his life. He's coming to a realization that the whole situation was a big joke on him.

Teller does talk. Just very rarely and the audience usually doesn't know it's his voice. Apparently he started this gag during his early days. He found that if he didn't speak during his act he wouldn't get heckled because people would be more focused on his performance.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
