MovieChat Forums > Paperhouse (1989) Discussion > I found this so scary!

I found this so scary!

I found this film really scary and i don't really understand why, i watched most of the film with the mute button firmly at hand because i was so convinced i was going to hear something that would truly give me nightmares (i'm not good with wierd distorted voices and stuff), the only problem is that after watching this gem of a film mostly on mute, i haven't got a clue what it was all about,

why was her dad so nice when she gets better? and what was it she did wrong that made her go to this house in the first place? i know her dad had a drink problem and that frightened her when she was small but i still don't get why it's all happy families at the end, please someone explain this to me and tell me what it was all about so i don't have to sit through it all again frightening myself!.



Sorry pppelle1976 I have to correect you on a few things.

First of all Anna was not disturbed at all. She got sick and got a fever which made her have the strange dreams.

Second of all her father did not leave the family. he was away because he was in the military. If you had read the book or even watched the movie you would have realized that he comes back at the end.

Thirdly Anna didn't have a mental illness. As I said above, she got sick and the fever caused her to have hallucinations.

After reading your post I'm begining to think that you didn't even watch the whole movie.

"I peed in the gene pool"
