Chicago Accent?

I have no idea what any of the actors were thinking but none of them are using a Chicago accent. Liam Neeson in this film has an Irish infused country(not southern) accent. Some of the other actors use a terrible New Jersey/New York accent. Patrick Swayze sounds like himself of course. The acting is great but overwhelmingly the accents are horrific.


I agree...came on to post something about my fellow Texan & how I still miss him:(
But I kinda like Liam's accent...but then I love anything he does..:)
Saw this movie when it first came out..didn't remember much...but enjoying it....


Well the reason none are using a "Chicago accent" is because Briar, Truman and Gerald AREN'T from Chicago. They are from Kentucky. Considering that none (IR
L) are from the area they are supposed to be from I think they pulled off their southern-esque pretty well.
