Joke in Life Lessons...

What did Lionel mean in the beginning with..."2 kids walk into a restaurant, one said, What's chocalate moose? It's good, it's a lot like chocolate pudding..."

It seemed awkward to a say to your press agent when he first came in...


The joke is: "What is chocolate pudding? Its good, its a lot like chocolate mousse."


So what's so funny about that?


I think the whole point of the joke was it was so out of context that it actually appeared to be funny, even though the joke itself is unfunny. You really can't take it at face value. He's an artist, and a lot of artists are strange. Just look at his character!


Thanks, I guess it was funny how awkward and out of context it was for that to say!


It's an intended rhetorical non-funny joke commenting on the fact that there are children who live in the world who know what chocolate mousse is but not chocolate pudding. Its' like a New Yorker magazine joke. The rest of the world learns chocolate pudding first. It's Lionol's way of separating himself from such bourgeoisie people by making the remark.


Ah...four years later and makes more sense.

It's funny because I just re-saw it now, and asked myself, "What the hell does that joke mean? Maybe I'll ask it on imdb," and after looking through the boards, I realized I had, in fact, already asked the question, lol.


Keven got it right. Lionel was talking about the same bourgeois culture that demands and judges his art, which was why he told it to his agent.

I want to shake every limb in the Garden of Eden
and make every lover the love of my life
