The opening credits song…

How is this gem not a staple on the radio airwaves at Christmas time??

Forget that tired, overrated Mariah Carey song that gets played every 10 minutes in December…..this catchy tune should get WAY more love. It’s fantastic….and admit it, the ONLY good thing about this movie besides the “no lines” cashier chick.


How is this gem not a staple on the radio airwaves at Christmas time?

Because it kinda sucks, like your taste in comedies.


I think I made it clear…the ONLY redeeming qualities in this stupid movie are the opening credits and the hot chick in the departure.


You made clear your opinion yes.


Great song, great opening, great time.
100x better then the atmosphere and movies of today.


Absolutely agree about the song but the movie is funny.


I like it too!
