Isn't that an Apple computer?

In the scene where Clark goes crazy after finding out he gets the jelly subscription for his bonus I noticed a computer on the desk behind him. It looked like an Apple computer. Most people didn't have home computers at all then, much less an Apple, irrespective of how much money they had. I think having one was another item to indicate how much they did have.

"There is nothing in the dark that isn't there when the lights are on." - Rod Serling


People did have computers at home in 1989. When I was in high school ('83), we used them in my accounting class. My best friend got one, though I did not get one until later. Computers are not new, just the technology has changed. My Sister worked for Centél Cellular,(later Alltel, now Verizon) from '87-'90. She and my mother had cell phones and car phones. Ironically, this topic reminded me that this movie had her laughing so hard. She got sick and passed away on Christmas Day 1991. ?


I'm sorry about your mom. :(

I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?


Huh? Tons of people had home computers in 1989. And an old Apple II would've been out of date by 1989 already. By 1989 lots of people had stuff like Amiga, Atari ST, somewhat more souped up IBM PC clones, MACs. Atari 8 bit, C64, Apple IIe, TI-94 were considered kinda old in the tooth by then actually.

I mean a lot of people had home computers (Atari 800, C64, Apple II) in 1983 already (and the Apple II was actually the least powerful and had the most out of date hardware of them all, yeah APple had the best marketing and hype along with IBM and MS, but all that stuff actually had the worst and most primitive tech).

I can't think of anyone in college in 1989 who didn't have their own computer to do word processing on in their dorm room.

Hell, I already had a computer that had an autoconfiguring bus, a desktop GUI, mouse, multi-tasking OS already in 1986. We were just regular middle class, not rich.



Even my grandparents had an Apple IIe computer in the late 80's, and they weren't very computer savvy at all. I can only think of one or two friends that didn't have a computer back then.


"Ferris Buller's Day Off" came out in 1986, three years before this movie, and he had a computer. I know the Griswalds' aren't as affluent as the Buellers', but the computer is not a brand new machine from that year.

"Forget reality, give me a picture"-Remington Steele


They had a home computer in the original Vacation movie, and that was 1983.

Remember, he was planning out the route from Chicago to Wally World and Rusty kept "shooting" the family truckster?


Yes! Good call. And they used some noises from Intellivision games during that scene.

That would make 3 Christmas' I've saved, vs. 8 that I've ruined; two were kind of a draw..
