Others Who Won Awards.....

..for playing roles of people who couldn't talk well, whether because of physical or mental problems. For instance, Dustin Hoffman for "Rain Man".


Sean Penn was nominated -but didn't win- for My Name is Sam. Excellent acting! Robert De Niro was also nominated -didn't win either- for Awakenings. And, back in time, although he wasn't even nominated, Charles Laughton did a wonderful performance as the title character in The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939). Those are what I remember now.


Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump.

Patty Duke as Helen Keller in The Miracle Worker.

And Rinko Kikuchi in Babel was nominated.


Not to mention Dustin Hoffman as Ratzo Rizzo in Midnight Cowboy—perhaps his best ever performance, even better than Rainman, and one of the greatest films ever!

Also don't forget the quintessential Charles Laughton in The Hunchback of Notre Dame. When I was a kid in the late 70s that used to run on the Saturday Afternoon classic movies on ABC (I think), and I got chills at the ending every time!


samantha morton played a mute in "sweet and lowdown", not sure that counts.

"they should give nicole kidman an oscar for being able to show any emotion after THAT much botox".


Marlee Matlin won for "Children of a Lesser God", playing a deaf woman. She's deaf in real life.


Geoffry Rush in Shine

Anthony Hopkins was a psychopath in Silence of the Lambs

Brad Dourif nominated in One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest



Jane Wyman in Johnny Belinda. I just discovered every comment I had ever made in IMDB was able to be brought up by me.


Leonardo DiCaprio for "What's eating Gilbert Grape".
Jodie Foster for "Nell".
Holly Hunter won for playing a mute woman in "The Piano".
