MovieChat Forums > Miracle Mile (1989) Discussion > Anyone else grow up thinking they would ...

Anyone else grow up thinking they would die in a nuclear war?

I was 9 when the Day After aired and I was convinced my end was written for me. Many movies followed suit, and by the time this aired I was 15 and no longer as fearful. I had only seen it once, until it aired on THIS recently. I loved this film, the atmosphere is second to none. It almost rides the heals of After Hours, and I swear it looks like a David Lynch production (just bfore Twin Peaks). Despite the plotholes, errors, and quirkyness, the film is fun, w/ a weird vibe, luv it! Too bad it was 3 or 4 years late, as the Coldwar ended shortly after it's release. Good thing proliferation is on the rise, now another generation can experience the fear.


I always thought there would be nuclear war. I'm amazed there hasn't been one yet. I still think that if you consider the future in the longest possible terms, over tens or hundreds of thousands of years, we can expect many nuclear wars. Also, at different time periods, we can expect Soylent Green-ish overpopulated societies, and miserable waves of bioterrorism that could kill millions or billions. Hopefully there will be good times too, though.

This was a British movie from the mid-80s, called Threads. It still scares the heck out of me. It was like The Day After, but somehow it was more intense.

You are toast, my toasty friend.


The Day After was a appallingly fake movie. Threads was as realistic as is technically possible.


The Day After was a appallingly fake movie. Threads was as realistic as is technically possible.


I was born in 1954 and actually had to take part in "duck and cover" drills. I was aware enough in 1962 that I wrote President Kennedy about the Cuban Missile Crisis (and got a nice letter in return!).

Yes, we all thought we would get nuked. We were pretty much told back then it wasn't a matter of "if", it was "when". Scary times.

I'm just a patsy!


Now more than ever I think we could all die in one. I think it was safer during the cold war.


Your govenment was banking on and now they have to dael with the fact that no one would survive it.


Yep. This was the only movie that ever frightened me as a child. Jason, Nightmare on Elm Street, etc. never did anything to me. The realism of this move (to an 8 year old) scared me to death. I remember thinking, "This is a real possibility, and there is nothing I can do about it."

I actually just finished Google'ing to find out the name of this movie. The helicopter scene is burned into memory. That is what helped me to figure out the name of this movie.


You must be around my age range. I must've been 8 or 9 when I watched this movie as well. Yes, this one was far scarier when I watched it because the threat of nuclear war was very, very real. Even though this movie came out during the glasnost/perestroika era, the threat was still credible. I always remembered the name of this movie, a couple of years later someone else was talking about "a weird movie" and mentioned the call; I gave them the movie's name (they were searching for the movie's name). Noticeable that this was after the Cold War had ended, and the movie still managed to frighten them.


I did. I was so frightened by it that sunsets were scary to me because it looked like a bomb going off on the horizon. Just the word nuclear scared me. My family was on vacation and we passed a nuclear power plant and I freaked out. All of this was because of Terminator 2. I had never seen this movie until recently, but it certainly would have made my nightmares worse.


It's still inevitable. It is our doom.


Agreed, unless nuclear weapons are banned worldwide it's just a matter of time. Most people have been living with a false sense of security since the Cold War ended.


Depressing, but true.


Agreed, unless nuclear weapons are banned worldwide it's just a matter of time. Most people have been living with a false sense of security since the Cold War ended.
You aren't kidding. There's still North Korea and the Muslim countries. "Them motherF__rs can't WAIT to get to Allah" --Richard Pryor.


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I thought so for awhile in the 1980's when Reagan was in office. Things were pretty tense with Russia for a few years.

I am the Duke of IMDb bio writers! I am A#1!
