Will Ferrell

This movie was released 25 years ago yesterday (4-7-89). I live about 30 minutes outside of Milwaukee, where the movie was filmed. In honor of the celebration, Corbin Bernsen (Roger Dorn) made several appearances on Milwaukee radio,and during one of these interviews he revealed that supposedly future box office superstar Will Ferrell appears in the movie, as one of the "bleacher bums", although he is not listed within the credits on IMDB.


And Arnold Schwarzenegger is the guy pointing at his hardhat.

I did sixty in five minutes once...


Who gives a flying cluck about Will Ferrell


No idea, but if Ferrell remakes and ruins this movie too, I will find him and hurt him.


What did Will Ferrell remake? I don't see any movies he's done as remakes.


He's probably thinking of the horrible theatrical remake of TV's Bewitched. The Producers is a remake of sorts,too.


He appeared in the remake of "Starsky and Hutch" so Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson officially ruined that one but yeah, he ruined "Bewitched" and "Land of the Lost".


Thank god he never had a notable role in this. Such an unfunny hack.

Buckle up back there, we're going into... hyperactive


he would've been like 20 years old. How would Corbin even know this unless Will Ferrell said it, and if he said it, you should be quoting the Ferrell interview not the Corbin interview.
