Bad movie.

Don't watch it!



It was bad.


I think it's a brilliant little film. The more I watch it (which is easy to do since it's so short), the more I'm convinced this is one of THE great Pacino performances ever.


bad movie? oh ok....listen up everyone in the world, this person says its bad and we shouldnt watch it...this all knowing sage of what is good and what is bad, so need to know whether to read, watch or listen to something ask them and they will save you the trouble of discovering for yourself...kind of them huh. Dont expect any deep critique, meaningful views or reasoning though because they are too busy for that, be grateful for the DO or DONT watch.

god bless the arrogant neanderthals of this world, without them I wouldnt feel blessed.


Watch this film!! Twice!!
This is a complex little gem of a film - and if you like great acting, intricate relationships and motivations, and a mysterious, dark undercurrent - like the films of Bergman and Antonioni - then this film is for you! (if all you like is Brian de Palma movies, this may not be your cup of tea...)


This is a play, not a movie.
