I sure liked the tunes

It's been a long time since I've seen this movie but I really like the Carpenter's songs. I'm the youngest of five and I had three older sisters so I guess I grew up listening to them. I don't really have anything earth-shattering to say other than I sure hope this movie comes on again.

BTW, I've always found it amusing that nobody claims to like them but they sold a bazillion albums!
I'm a guy who likes them and is proud to say so; under the cover of IMDb that is.

"Don't you worry. If they could get a washing machine to fly, my Jimmy could land it"


The songs are the best part of the movie.

I'm a guy and I'm openly a Carpenters fan, I own all their albums and blast them from my car radio and bedroom proudly.

The world is your lobster.


I must admit that I forgot about this post.

Anyway, it's nice to hear that there is at least one other guy that likes The Carpenters. I don't have all their albums (any more) but I like to listen to them on Pandora. My work colleagues give me that look when I turn their tunes up!

BTW, gotta love IMDb's email notification!
Thanks for the reply!

"They're all wet... Oh God!... The dog wet on the picnic basket."
Ellen Griswold


Good on ya mate. Me too!

RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman 1967-2014... a tremendously great and talented actor.


I have been a Carpenters fan since the day I was born.

Okay, The Carpenters released their first album when I was two.

But some of my earliest memories are of listening to the radio and hearing their songs. So was it until I was a teenager, when they stopped recording. But I have all of their recordings (on CD, of course, although I still have two of my dad's original vinyl albums), and their music always brings a smile to my day. I will always be a fan!
