Top 5 films

i want you top 5 favourite films, and by favourite i don't mean best, i mean films that you could and have seen again and again, films that bring back memories and so on. i would guess that usually these films are pre-puberty but we'll see. (they were for me)

1.the goonies
2.the princess bride of the best
4.rocky 4

i'd have to put little monsters, commando and dragon: the bruce lee story in there too.

peace and love


Hard to narrow it down to just 5. let me see....

1. cutting edge
2. dirty dancing
3. 7 days 7 nights
4. Dante's Peak
5. Jurassic park I and III (didn't care much for 2, lol)

It's hard too some up the alst 25 years that I have been watching movies to just five. I could do so in different genres though. lol


1.X-Men(any of them)
2.Harry Potter(any of them)
3.Christine(Gotta love the car)
4.Jurassic Park 1 & 2(Dinosaurs are...AWESOME!)
5.The Crow(The one with Brandon Lee the others are blah..)


1. The Silence of the Lambs
2. K-9
3. Anchorman
4. Fargo
5. Jurrasic Park


I must say I am impressed by your lists, not because I happen to like the films but because I can tel you actually really like them and haven't gone for films like "Schindlers List or Shawshank Redemption" just so you sound clever.

You won't like mine thoe lol

1. Terminator 2
2. Halloween
3. Aliens
4. The Thing
5. Evil Dead 2


pure entertainment value, army of darkness kills evil dead 2. just an opinion mind.


Well as a black comedy horror Evil Dead 2 ownes Army of Darkness :P


hehe fair enough, i just love the boomstick line, it kills me every time.


Top 5 1989 Movies:

K-9 Cop
Uncle Buck
Turner & HOoch
Look who's Talking
Honey I've shrunk the Kids


umm did we forget Batman, Ghostbusters 2 and the burbs?


Not one doubt about it, I loved K-9 and watched it over and over again. I was about 9 or 10. I wanted to LIVE K-9! Belushi acted so tough!!!!! It's too bad most kids these days haven't seen this movie! One of my favorite cop movie seens EVER was when Belushi cuffed a suspect to his car and started interrogating him, driving around and forcing the guy to run alongside the car. Of course, he doesn't get too far until you just see the car pass a huge sign that says "<---- Expressway"! THEN the guy starts talking! It's too bad real cops just can't do that kind of stuff! Otherwise, I'd hang out with cops and idolize them. They'd be my instant friends, everywhere! Seriously, I went 15 years without seeing this movie, from about the age of 11 until now, that I'm 26. Yet through it all, I never lost the enduring image of that scene or the scene in which the dog cracks open a pool ball in its mouth! I also vaguely remembered the scene in which Dooley crashes Lyman's party.


That was a great scene.

I also loved the scene when Jerry Lee(Koton) was recoverying in the hospital and Bulushi was making his speech about his treatment towards Jerry Lee and how he'd change things if he could, and Jerry Lee was laying there listening and (reacting), then the Dr. came in and said Jerry Lee would be fine. And Bulushi is "hollering" at him. Jerry Lee licks his face. And all things change.

"Take time to stop and smell the roses"


Over the Top
The Breakfast Club
No Retreat, No Surrender


Any late 70s or early 80s babies here, you're forgetting one of the key movies that will always take you back to childhood......

The Wizard



My 5 personal favorites

1.Reservior Dogs
3.Death Wish 3
4.Pulp Fiction
5.Natural Born Killers


I cannot believe all of you guys.

1.) Space Jam
2.) Space Jam
3.) Space Jam
4.) Space Jam
5.) Space Jam


The Outlaw Josey Wales
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Some Like it Hot
The Shawshank Redemption
The Dirty Dozen

subject to change-
hard to name just 5
