Best part

The best part of the movie was the nude posing by Olympia. This was apparently her only film role. Too bad. Katherine Miller.

Harry Lime


It's a pretty good indication of how rotten this movie is when a thread entitled "Best Part" goes two years with no responses.


that's funny. i was gonna bring up one part of the movie, i was wondering if the characters in the movie mumbled a bit, well, i tell you i think it was early in the movie, outside when the apartment house is on fire, i thought it was hard to make out what the characters were saying and it sounded like they said to each other, "i'm too sunday, less talkie.". think about it next time.

suddenly she took charge,
maria who had a uniform on as if at a base i was,
at the time, like a bum i was sleeping sound,
when feisty maria began to shout,
like a popcorn in heat,
i popped right out of sleep,
was always alright taking orders from ladies,
but haven't had such a sudden command lately,
see there i was in peace,
eye down and everything,
when that maria set out,
and oh boy what a sight,
so if you look out at this base,
there is an army of diffrent people there today,
who couldn't say no to marias ways.


Look at your cigar! lol.


The Mary Elizabeth sex scene is the best thing in this movie.
