*beep* SCORPION!

now THAT is some creature that deserves to die! I HATE YOU SCORPION! YOU'RE AN IDIOT!




come on everybodeah!


'Twas a scorpion, doing what scorpions do. And an ant, befriending shrunken humans when they have not an iota of affection for us when we're...well, not shrunken?!! Yeah, nothing insulting to the viewers' intelligence there.


^ I found it more intriguing that the humans developed feelings for the ant considering how pusillanimous we consider such creatures to be.


its a different perspective when the ant was bigger than them, i doubt they'd care if they killed an ant when it was tiny, but seeing it up close made them feel compassion towards it, in the novel they set syrup traps for bugs and then when they're small nick is almost killed from being trapped in syrup and almost burned alive by a cigarette, which ironically the any saves him from, then they all vow never to kill an insect again except for mosquitoes

"sir, sir, i gotta check and see if you've soiled yourself, I'll get to you in a moment, sir!"


Watching that scorpion murder the ant when I was child is the sole reason that I'm now a 27 year old alcoholic. Post Traumatic Stress doesn't even begin to cover it...



A scorpion in a residential back garden? Doesn't make sense.

If impersonating a Police Officer is an offence, shouldn't actors be imprisoned?


I have scorpions in my yard and sometimes in my house.

*beep* hate them so much ><

"I was circumcised with a hacksaw but I don't complain about anything..." - lilwith


Give the poor animal a break. Scorpions already have enough problems being hated by mankind, and getting chomped like Cheetos by neurotic Camel Spiders.

One positive thing I can say about Scorpions is that the females sacrifice their bodies to feed their young in any case there isn't prey nearby.


I know it was only a movie but what the hell is a black poisonous scorpion doing in someone's backyard? There supposed to be living in the deserts


Well HISTK takes place in Califoria where HIBUTK takes place in Navada. It's not impossible for scorpions to move to Califoria if they live right on the interstate. It's funny how in HWSO, Adam tells his mother not to kill a daddy longleg that was in the kitchen since his brother Nick probably told him about Anty when he and Amy were shrunk.


Oh ok


Scorpions don't just live in deserts. And if the family lives within a range where scorpions live, then it's reasonable for there to be a scorpion in there backyard.
