MovieChat Forums > Heathers (1989) Discussion > Veronica is a terrible person and nobody...

Veronica is a terrible person and nobody seems to mind.

She willingly hangs out with the school's uberbitches and takes part in their cruel pranks, without any evidence of actually being forced to do so. She doesn't seem to care about being popular, and could've gone back to Betty's crowd if she'd wanted to.

She walks off abandoning her friend with two big drunk frat guys in a field, whilst one of them is date raping her, without even a second glance!

She lets her mother think she's hung herself and acts like it's one big laugh.

She murders multiple people and shows barely any remorse, and she gets off scot free at the end, which nobody seems to mind! She wasn't much better than JD, at least he was insane and raised by an equally psycho father.

There are a few other nasty little things too. But somehow she comes off as the golden girl and walks off into the sunset for a slumber party with Dumptruck. She wasn't just a victim of JD's manipulating personality, she was a sullen sociopathic bitch.

I still love Winona though. <3

The mirror... it's broken.
Yes, I know. I like it that way. Makes me look the way I feel.


It's all true. I really don't understand why she was the one to never answer for anything, I mean, she's the main character but she's also very unlikable. I had no idea what a bad an actor Winona Ryder was in this movie.


Some could even argue that Veronica is worse than J.D. Because J.D is portrayed as being a psychopath with an inability to have regret or real emotions to things. While Veronica is supposed to be a "normal" and "average" teenage girl. At least J.D had his mixed up honor code - as screwy as it was - and wanted to change things for the better - as delusional as it was. Veronica on the other hand? She seemed to have no moral compass, even a psycho/delusional one.

"Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling."


I think she's worse. She was a privileged popular girl that had a nice set of parents who cared about her. How she would not be forever haunted by killing all those people, that makes her a psycho too. She would have killed those people, she just wanted the excuse and outlet to do so.


I agree with all those points. However, when it comes to media, we as an audience generally side with an unlikable character that finds some level of redemption. Much like Veronica does at the end of the movie.

"No talking from things that don't talk!" - Jaye Tyler


You're missing the point - she, her friends, parents and pretty much everyone else in the film are psychos trying to conform and rebel against everyone else's psychosis.


I don't know anybody who saw Veronica as a good person. I don't.


Heathers is a black comedy. In that genre, there generally isn't a likeable character. Everyone is basically awful with few redeeming qualities.

And of course Veronica would go along with the popular girls without being forced. She's a teenager who wants to belong. Its basically engrained in all humans to want to belong and to be accepted by those who are considred cool. And I think any poor behavior by Veronica can be summed up with that old chestnut "Kids are cruel". Kids and teenagers don't always think about what they do and how it affects others. There are a lot of adults like that too.

I never viewed Veronica as terribly likeable but certainly not a sociopathic. I think she was sheltered, naive and hypocritical. She thought she was better person than the Heathers and found out she was just as shallow and sheep like. She learned a lesson at the end so I guess one could say that she saw the error of her ways.


I think this is the best explanation.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried

I always wondered what the audience was supposed to *like* about Veronica!
Yes she had a conscience somewhat near the end, but throughout the entire film she seems not to care one whit about much of anything.
She KILLS Heather, even by accident, yet barely cares at all. Ditto 2 more of her classmates! Granted they were schmucks, but still!

Even at the end, she acts like the mall ran out of her favorite shoes or some such when talking to Martha Dunstock.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


Screw the Heathers, they're all dead. Veronica will rise! And she will lead the new clique...



Hahaha! Veronica did seem like she had *taken over* the clique at the end, didn't she!
Complete with red scrunchie!

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.



I don't think she's anywhere near as narcissistic and evil as her friends... which is funny, because her friends never murdered anyone!

No, but they probably inspired a few attempted suicides.

I don’t need you to tell me how good my coffee is.. 


it is not that she was bad or evil. she really wasn't.
she was very indifferent and very passive aggressive.

both times she killed people she thought it was an accident, She didn't know she was actually killing, she was lied to.
She told her friend NOT to go on that date, she tried to warned her, it was the future her friend chose. (not saying it was right what they guys did obviously not, they should be in jail for doing that) but I don't see how it was Veronica's fault when she clearly told her she didn't want to go.

She obviously did care about being cool, and being with the cool crowd. You don't just do things and follow the orders of another girl just because. deep down she wanted to be with the cool kids. That's very clear.

She was not a good person. she was not friendly. she was very sarcastic and had a grim look on life.
But her biggest sin was just being so indifferent to life. she did not care about people or life in general. she was careless about everything around her.


It wasn't her fault her friend got raped. It was her fault that she ignored it happening and didn't try to help or call the police. Would you stand there nonchalant whilst your friend got raped because it wasn't your fault it was happening? Jeez.

The mirror... it's broken.
Yes, I know. I like it that way. Makes me look the way I feel.


It was her fault that she ignored it

i dont understand this sentence.
veronica was not like 2 inches from them, she was not near them at all, im not sure she even fully know what was going on. (besides she was covered in dirt and talking to the other jerk)

sounds like you just want to hate on the character and thats fine,


Why are you spreading this mendacious steaming pile of bovine defecation? No one got date raped or raped in any shape for form in this film.

sabbaroo wrote:

She walks off abandoning her friend with two big drunk frat guys in a field, whilst one of them is date raping her, without even a second glance!


Funny, the film makers say otherwise. Nice use of vainglorious purple prose, philistine twunt. :)

The mirror... it's broken.
Yes, I know. I like it that way. Makes me look the way I feel.


Bùllshït. Cite the time index in the film where it's stated that she's raped.

sabbaroo wrote:

Funny, the film makers say otherwise. Nice use of vainglorious purple prose, philistine twunt. :)


Do you own research dear, I'm not doing it for you.

The mirror... it's broken.
Yes, I know. I like it that way. Makes me look the way I feel.


So you're admitting you're a lying sack of shìt who can't back up your assertions. I watched the film last night and there is no mention of rape, moron. Which is why I posted in the first place moron.

How stupid are you?


Approx 42 minutes into the movie, Kurt is on top of Heather McNamara in a field and has hold of her arms as he attempts to have sex with her as Veronica walks away towards JD. The scene could be taken as rough and tumble consensual sex or date rape.


Bùllshït. Cite the time index in the film where it's stated that she's raped.

sabbaroo wrote:

Funny, the film makers say otherwise. Nice use of vainglorious purple prose, philistine twunt. :)


Ryder mentions date rape herself. It's in the trivia section of this very imdb page. Relax.


It's a black satire. She's a horrible person... and it's still fun. More fun actually. Love this movie.
