The Ending

Ithought this was a pretty good movie, however I don't understand the ending exactly. The husband was supposedly killed in a car accident, but no body was found, and the doctor was going to go home and come back that night to be with Sarah at the mansion. So did the husband fake his death and kill the doctor that night? Or perhaps the doctor dressed up like the husband and killed Sarah to get her money - although I doubt this is what really happened. I've always been left wondering at the end of the show.


I love this movie too. I look forward to it every october when they run all the old scary movies. My take on this one has always been that the husband killed an innocent by-stander to fake his own death. Remember the Dr. is standing with Sarah at the accident scene. While they are busy looking at the accident the husband sneaks back into the mansion to get Sarah alone.


True...I like the movie...everything except the ending. I dont understand it either. I can understand that the husband faked his death, but why didnt the doctor notice that body didnt match when he identified the body. Furthermore, was he not supposed to have went back to the house that night to be with Sarah? It seems that there is a good five minutes missing to the end of the maybe the doctor rushes in as she is screaming and kills her ex husband once and for all. Eh, wishful thinking...Oh and I think the body is probably the former housekeeper...but this still does not account for the doctor missing from the house.


I didn't like the way they didn't wrap it up neatly.

I can see how some people might like that way of doing it.


Yeah, it was pretty vague. I got the impression that there wasn't a body in the car. Then again, Dr. Dork should have put 2 and 2 together and realized the husband had something up his sleeve. I'd like to think that Sarah, who was kind of a wimp the whole movie, would have been able to save herself. Who knows. I'm slightly irritated that I won't ever get those 2 hours back, though.

Dainty things never shrink from Lux!


A. The movie is a remake of "Gaslight", so if you enjoyed this, I highly recommend that.

B. What the heck happened?? I can understand putting an ambiguous ending at the end of a slow, rolling story, but at the end of a suspense movie? You've got to be kidding me! That's where it departs from "Gaslight" for the worse. I gotta wonder if Austin killed Sarah how he explains it and gets away with it, and if Sarah strikes back and wins, we deserve to see her and Alan get together at the end. This is just going to bug me.


I loved this movie too. i guessed all along that the husband and friend were in on it together to gaslight Sarah. I agree that the ending was pretty bad.
i think that it was probably Lucy's body in the car and Austin tried to kill Sarah in bed. It is also possible that it was Austins' body in the car and Sarah could have been dreaming at the end of the movie.
Either way I really enjoyed this movie. i am a big fan of Sela Ward. She is so beautiful.



A. The movie is a remake of "Gaslight", so if you enjoyed this, I highly recommend that.

I never noticed!


No it's not. This film was loosely based on an obscure novel called "The Crossing". It's nothing like Gaslight except that a husband is gaslighting his wife. The term 'gaslight' actually comes from the the film. The similarities end there. This is not the first film to use gaslighting. The film Gaslight is excellent. This film was dreck. Don't be expecting to see something like this if you watch Gaslight. I realize this is an old post but I figure it's worth responding to in case someone else reads it (I did, after all).


I just finished watching this while I was doing laundry -- glad I got something accomplished during those two hours -- and had to see what was said, if anything, about the ending. The ending was just lame; Sela Ward screaming her head off and cut to closing credits??!?!? It was a made for tv movie, time was up and they needed an ending. Period. Any speculation regarding what happened to who isn't worth the time. It was just entertainment.

Great seeing Sela Ward looking beautiful as ever without an '80s coif, and so young 17 years ago; she has aged exceptionally well. It was a hoot seeing Morgan Fairchild with her bad perm, the doc's huge eyeglasses (didn't remember men wore them big too), the huge shoulder pads. Enjoy it for what it is. And leave it at that.

"We don't see things as they are. We see things as we are." -- Anaïs Nin


Well they just aired the movie on's one of those movies that you can't help but watch over and over however I also don't like the ending...basically what I think happened was that the hubby faked his death and waited until he could silence Sarah...I believe that the Dr. was there in her bed but that the evil husband killed him while Sarah was in the bathroom getting ready for bed...they showed a man lying on his side in bed but they never showed his face...we all assume it was the evil husband waiting...that could have been the doctor lying dead...the evil hubby could have been waiting on the other side of the bed for Sarah...


i've never been as clever as all the previous posters, to come up with a version of what happened at the end. i just let it ride. i agree with the person who opined that perhaps part of the ending was edited out - stoopid - thinking that the "wha' happened?" (any fan of "a mighty wind" will understand that last bit) ending would be satisfactory.


Don't know why there's all that talk about the ending.
Austin faked his own death by killing some random guy and pushing the car into that cliff. The thing is the car caught fire, the body was completely burned and impossible to recognize. That's why the doctor didn't rush to the mansion to save Sarah, he wasn't sure if that was Austin or not, the body was toasted.
Austin knew that would give him time to get to Sarah, as he did.
My guess is that he killed Sarah and escaped. The doctor got there too late only to find her body. Maybe Austin was caught later and arrested, who knows.
Or maybe the doctor got there just in time, killed Austin and saved Sarah. It's an open ending for personal interpretation.


hopelessly romantic, I like your last possibility. but then there would be no suspense. Sarah & Alan belonged together; only Austin's death revealed that to Sarah. That and his forced termination of her pregnancy. Many have panned this as predictable and just plain dumb. Obviously, I am not one of them. The scenery alone is breathtaking, the ages-old setup of intertwining romances, excellent performances by the "name" actors. Will always be in my video library.


The very end was a dream sequence! Sarah was having a nightmare, about coming out of the bathroom and being pulled into bed by Austin.

Austin really died in the car accident. Allan got to The Pines right after, to comfort Sarah and be with her in the huge, empty house.

Sarah woke up, safe in her bed, right after she dreamt that Austin was there. Is everyone satisfied?


Immensely satisfying to know the actual end of the film. Sarah had been through quite enough, thank you. For once, happy that the "it was all a dream" conceit was employed! Thank you SO very much!


haha, definently. She did seem to spend hours in the shower otherwise lol seriously she went in the shower in the afternoon and then BAM it's nightime.

it's one of those films you just want to hate and scoff at, but you find yourself interested in watching. damnnit!!


I see it like this.

Austin guesses that Sarah is alive. He arranges for his car to crash by weighing down the accelerator with a huge rock and shoving it off the road.He has also drenched the interior with gasoline so the car will burn. Lucy was not in the car; Austin had left her behind at the rehearsal. The police assume Austin is in the car but they can't tell while it is burning. That's when the doctor offers to identify the body so Sarah can go home. The last scene with the doctor shows him and the police standing near the car, waiting for firefighters to extinguish the blaze. At some point, they realize no one is in the car and the doctor knows it was all a set up. He races to Sarah's house but arrives too late.

Meanwhile, Sarah returns to the house, takes a shower, and hears the front door open and close. She thinks it is the doctor. What she doesn't realize is that Austin has been in the house all along, waiting for her. He opens and closes the door so she will think someone has just come in. To save time, he is already undressed and quickly slips into the bed. She goes toward him, thinking he is the doctor. He grabs her, pulls her down roughly, and at that point she recognizes him. Screams galore. After killing her, Austin quickly gets dressed and slips out of the house. Lucy is waiting for him and they drive off into the sunset, in her car. This is when the doctor bursts into the bedroom and finds Sarah dead.


Didnt Austin accidentally shoot Lucy?
