Bad Movie?

Everyone says that this is the movie that started Murphy's downfall but was is really that bad?


Murphy had several more years as a bankable star after this movie, but it did tarnish his star power a bit. Blatant vanity projects will do that.


I always thought it was awesome. Re-watched it last night. Laughed my ass off. If you don't like colorful cussing, don't watch it.

It's on NETFLIX now.


It started his downfall in a sense that he was starting to do his own thing and this would upset the syndicate of chosen people who have a high influence, disportionate to their numbers. They were being somewhat shut out, so to speak from Eddie Murphy movies (Harlem Nights, Boomerang, Vampire in Brooklyn). So without letting them get a piece, to wet their beaks, Eddie would lose the marketing team those people control, and also the opportunity to be presented with roles that would continue to help his status in the industry. So even though he was creating good movies, no one cared because they never generated the false hype the hollywood media train creates for turds they own higher pieces of.

The same thing works in the music industry. It's how garbage bands like the Beatles get promoted to hell, and good bands make obscure amazing music that hardly anyone hears. It all depends on how much of piece of the action "they" get.


Harlem Nights is a damn classic. Screw those people
