MovieChat Forums > Harlem Nights (1989) Discussion > How did this money cost $110 Million to ...

How did this money cost $110 Million to make?

The movie only grossed under $70 million according to But ive seen this movie. I dont undertsand how it costed $110 million to make. Not big explosive scene or tanks and airplaces...

My feet smells like *beep* Its becuase I stepped on dog poop.


I see how it could of costed that much, Those outside scenes didn't look cheap,And it was a explosion scene when the brownstone blew up.


Because you live in an alternate reality. Apparently, $30 million American dollars is roughly equivalent to $110 million of your space-bucks.


The cost of the production of the film was a total of 30 million in 1989. It grossed worldwide a little over 110 million, making it by any reasonable Hollywood standard a successful film. And it was much better than the lily white critics could figure out. Also, it was a piece of history with 3 different leading generations of African American comedians, and actors, in it from Redd Foxx and Della Reese to Richard Pryor on down to Eddie and Charlie Murphy and Arsenio Hall. This really was a good, and a funny, film.



There was an explosion scene in it.


Er.. You did notice all the stars in it right ? They dont work for peanuts.

Neither do pyrotechnic experts for that matter ...

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Not to mention it's a period piece. All period films are expensive, the cars, clothes, changing new locations to make them look old. Get it?

Phony doctors? Helllloooo...


ahhh thank you all.

My feet smells like *beep* Its becuase I stepped on dog poop.





Budget was 30 million, the first movie to cost 100 million was terminator 2.



Yeah, the movie MADE $110 million


It was considered a flop at the time because in those days, the international gross meant less than the American one. For a film to be a hit, especially with a star, it needed to gross between 80-100 million. Studios were used to Murphy films grossing over 100 million domestically, and if they didn't, they were considered flops. It was a different ballgame back then. Very parochial mentality.
