MovieChat Forums > Harlem Nights (1989) Discussion > About Quick's Car Accident

About Quick's Car Accident

Why did Quick leave his damaged car behind for the cops to find thereby proving that he had been there in a shoot-out with Arsenio, etc. even though it was most likely still drive-able?

Now the cops will put an APB out for him!


Great question! When he gets back to Sugar's, he is announced as arriving in a cab and saying he was in a "fender bender." Apparently the car was damaged beyond drive-able.

One thing I did notice about the screenplay in this scene - the camera is at ground level looking over Arsenio's head; Quick enters the screen, looks down at Arsenio, and then runs away from the camera down the street, his trenchcoat flapping behind him.

It's a classic shot.

I'm trying real hard to be the shepherd.


Though I no longer recall the scene exactly and how/ why his car stopped (voluntarily?) or how much damage it suffered (just to the rear bumper & window?), but at the time of viewing, it was very apparent (visually) IMHO that it was still very driveable despite his later excuse upon leaving the cab.

I also don't see the significance of anybody wondering why he arrived in a cab in the first place.


Quick is Sugar's #2 man. He drives. When he shows up in a cab, it's noteworthy.

If everyone you knew, knew you drove a Porsche and, after a date, you show up in a cab...wouldn't they ask, "dude, where's your car?"

One more thing (and, more closely to the plot and your inquiry about the significance):

After Dominique Larue was found dead following her date with Quick, Bugsy went to Ray to find out where Quick was. Ray said he didn't know.

Bugsy knew Quick was involved "in at least several murders" including his woman, but also including Tommy Smalls' brother (and they were framing Quick for the murder of Smalls as well). But, it was Quick's car that placed him in the vicinity of the gangland slaying of Smalls' brother and associates...and it was Quick's car, still at the scene, that leaves Quick "missing." There's no way to know where Quick went after being near there now, which was actually quick (pun intended) thinking.

Bugsy could not search for Quick's car, find it at Ray's place, and say Ray is lying about his knowledge of Quick's whereabouts.

Thanks for your persistence in this inquiry - it helped me appreciate yet another nuance of this film.

I'm trying real hard to be the shepherd.
