
So apologies in advance as i'm sure it's been brought up before, but there was just something so off with what they did with her character in this movie.

I find it weird they decided to kill her off so early in the film. She was one of the main characters in H4

Her name was listed earlier in the titles than Danielle in H4, but in H5 Danielle's name appeared before hers. This is not that big of a deal but I'm mentioning it to show how important she was in H4.

It's not out of the ordinary to do this with some of the characters, but I just found it strange they removed her from the story so quickly. She was an important character in H4. Since they spent a decent amount of time on her story and introducing her in H4, they wouldn't have needed to provide much in this department if they kept her around for H5, we could just carry on from where we left off. Instead, they kill her off and bring in a number of new characters that would require more time to spend on, while one of the main characters in the film is mute for half of the film. Rachel is a character we arguably would have already cared for the in this film, while it would've taken some time for the new characters to grow on us.

So with that said, was there a scheduling issue that the actress couldn't commit to the film? Or is this what production had initially intended?

Another weird thing I found with her character is how her character had changed (or not changed, depending on how you look at it) in a year, considering what she had gone through H4. Look at Zombie's H2. It's 2 years after the events of H1, and the surviving characters are still messed up from it in their own way. Yet, in H5 Rachel has progressed so much in terms of recovering from Michael's attack. Yeah they upgraded to a Doberman, which I guess shows a heightened sense of security, but then she leaves the door unlocked as she's undressing throughout the house, so this lax sense of security stuck out for me.

When Jamie wakes up to find Rachel by her side in the clinic, I guess we're to assume the messy make up on her face was because she was crying before she fell asleep, since she's worried for Jamie? They might have called the family to report Jamie's late night break down, so maybe this shows that the family was concerned about her.

I understand from continuing on with the story that some things just make it easier to move forward, but with everything they experienced the year before and with the consistent warnings Loomis may have been providing since then, I just find it weird she wasn't as paranoid or on edge as Laurie was 20 years later in H20.



Thanks for the reply.

The idea of Rachel getting killed to show that know one's safe from the boogeyman is something I can get behind, but why do it so early?
Shock factor?
I could see Rachel sacrificing her life similar to Tina in order to save Jamie or getting axed somewhere later in the story.
For me, this isn't a point that ruins the film. Just something that looked off.

Even if she listened to people like Meeker whom I'm assuming believed that Myers was shot and blown to bits, how could she appear so… "normal" when it's only been a year since?
Having it be that time of the year should have set off some triggers for her and she might have wanted to settle down during that time.



Oh, I didn't know about the early release!
Yeah, I was digging Rachel


Yeah, they should've waited until the third act to kill off Rachel.


Would've been interesting to have her in H6 and see how she coped with Jamie's disappearance. Plus, seeing that this was the end to the curse series, it would have been more fitting to end her story here.


It was very reminiscent to Alice in the Friday the 13th series. She was quickly wiped out in part two as well...


Yeah makes me think of Alice in FT13th as well.


lol I was also reminded of that


The difference is that Alice's foe was actually killed and it seems as if she may not have believed what happened in the lake, heck, we can't make sense of it. But at least Alice was using her instincts and got a weapon. She was legitimately taken by surprise as she couldn't have possibly known it was Jason until it was too late, she didn't even see him. My issue with her was that she moved to Crystal lake. Had she gone home were she was from she would be alive, her facing her fears is what did her in. Rachel on the other hand was far to blase in this film.


Who ever said it was Crystal Lake where Alice was in 2? It could've been anywhere. And even if it was Crystal Lake, you said so yourself, her foe was dead, being Mrs. Pamela Voorhees and even if she for a second thought that the Jason that pulled her under the water was real, he'd still be a "boy" not a man. So she had no reason, as you said, to think Jason was going to find her and kill her. Even if she'd gone home, Jason would've tracked her there and killed her whole family to get to her. As it was, she wasn't even supposed to be in 2 thanks to her real life crazy stalker, but she got talked into the cameo and she was gone....No way she'd stick around for another full film with that nutjob still loose.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN


I known from previous discussions with you that you aren't gifted in picking up the obvious. I will carefully explain, even though it wasn't successful in prior discussions.First let's discuss the logistics, do you honestly think Jason is going to travel great distances to get a girl he had no information on? If she wasn't in Crystal lake, where the hell was she? Do you think Jason packs his bags with his mother's head for a road trip? Also, the conversation Alice has with her mother where she mentions something being the only way to get her life back together and it being the only way how.She was clearly talking about living in Crystal lake. We are talking about Jason, not Michael Myers. Jason kills those who come across his territory and only once did he follow anyone outside of crystal lake.

How in the world would Jason know were Alice lives if not in Crystal. He had nothing at his disposal that would help him locate her. Also, are you suggesting that he would have to carry Alice and Pamela's head for a long distance? Also, to reinforce the fact, the novel of the film explicitly says that she moved to Crystal lake and when she returned to the Camp Jason spotted her.

Lastly, it was just made no sense for her to live in Crystal lake. Visiting but to not return home and live where other murders occurs, similarly the the film franchise, is illogical.



I also thought it was a huge mistake to kill off someone we liked. i get the point of no one is safe, but after she died I really didn't care who lived or died. She was the only one I really cared about in this movie.



I can see that. It really felt off.
if they were still going to kill her I could've seen her make it to the final scene and get killed off with the rest of the survivors from H4, like Meeker =(


I'm happy that I'm not the only one who felt this way.

I really liked Rachel on Halloween 4 and even though I can understand the effect of shock factor, after she died I really care if you live besides Jamie and Dr. Loomis.


Yes I cared about Loomis too. I forgot to mention him. I'm watching this again and geez it's like they want us to hate the characters while they are at the high school Halloween party and root for them to die lol.


lol they were an eccentric bunch.



I really liked her in H4. Having her in the story could have been more interesting to the plot and provided a bigger shock in the end.
I am a fan of Meeker though, was sad to see him go as well and his end was still a shock to me, kinda.



It summarizes to a dumb, inconsequential and poor decision by the director and producers at the time, nothing more, nothing less. They probably wanted to go the shock factor route like many horror movies went in late 80's but there's no denying it was just plain stupid.



Yes it was. They should've gave the project to someone with more capable hands
