When Micheal takes off his mask...

He sheds a tear and you actually feel sorry for him but when Jason's mask was ripped off him in Friday The 13th Part VII by Tina, (Not the same person as this one had psychic powers) you see he's just an evil demon with no soul whereas Micheal looks more human but possessed by an evil spirit that forces him to kill people.


Sort of like Jamie's appeal touches what was left of the real Michael before The Shape returns and continues to try and kill her.

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


I hate the part where he cries.



I wanted to see what he looks like BEHIND the mask. The character itself, though, is evil, but I can see your point. Unfortunately, that tear is the ONLY real emotion he sheds that's NOT evil.


Oh God! I hated that Michael shed a tear, I hated that with a passion. Michael is the shape, he's a "almost" a force of nature as John Carpenter described him. Michael is not a victim of a demon possession, he's evil by nature.

BTW, Jason isnt "evil", he's just a sad misunderstood manchild. Killing people is the only thing he's been good at.


i didn't like michael's tear either. Made him almost schizophrenic..

I hated Jaws, it had too much shark, and dont get me started about King Kong, waaay too much gorilla



No, not really. I feel sorrier for Jason than I ever will for Michael. In the Jason movies, those deaths can actually be avoided if they would just stop trying to reopen the damn camp. He is not actively seeking out anyone like Michael does.
