Pretty much everyone in this movie... annoying. Even the kittens!


The only people I thought were annoying was the Asian nurse (Patsy?) and the clown cops (two off-screen kills as well, that was a letdown). Tina was actually a fairly likeable character, and I really liked her vibrant personality. Sam and Spitz were ok too (Spitz was hilarious to me). Why they included that Asian nurse in the film eludes me, though.


Tina was beyond annoying. Worse than that, she just randomly showed up in the film with no connection to the other characters or reason to be there. As Jamie's foster sister who finally came to love her, Rachel was a much better character. Too bad the screenwriters dumbed Rachel down and killed her early on.

What makes Rachel's death even worse is that no character even notices she's missing till Jamie finds her body.

Requiescat in pace, Krystle Papile. I'll always miss you. Justice was finally served.



They do notice. Sam or Tina mentions in dialogue "I guess she decided to go to the cabin with her parents". Written off the playing field. Rachel's death was shocking, the whole point. No one was safe. Previous film survivors rarely make it through the sequel, even Ellie knew this and just ask Alice from Fridays 1 and 2.

Tina was connected, she was friends with Rachel and Sam was too. In 4, we saw Brady's friends, never Rachel's. Doesn't mean she didn't have any. Sam was the one wanting to use Rachel's satin sheets. Tina and Mikey like it in the car.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN



Everyone thought Michael was dead and that it was over. Jamie wasn't very forthcoming. As was seen, Tina was dismayed at Loomis for filling Jamie's head with that boogeyman crap, as she put it and this was before Tower Farm. So it's not a stretch to think Rachel got out of dodge specifically because of what happened last year. Jamie attacked her adopted mother last year. What if Jamie snaps again and tries to go after her again? Or the Dad or Rachel? Which is why they chose to leave on this particular date. Maybe they thought Jamie was more a threat than a presumed dead Michael.

As it was, there was nowhere to look. After Rachel's death and before the basement chase, I'm pretty sure Michael took Rachel to the Myers house attic. There would've been blood in the room Rachel died in, but Tina never got that far. Bedroom, interrupted by Sam and that's the last of the Carruthers house.

Rachel was uncertain if she was going. Lots of people don't leave a note. Annie didn't leave one for Lynda and Bob after going to get Paul, supposedly. So it's not uncommon for last minute change of plans to cause no warnings or notes.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN


Or even phone calls apparently, people in 1989 obviously having never heard of those newfangled devices allowing long-distance communication between people.

Requiescat in pace, Krystle Papile. I'll always miss you. Justice was finally served.


Did they have the number? Did they even care? Much like the original, they seemed more preoccupied with getting laid and partying than anything else.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN


So when they knew Michael was rampaging, no one thought to call Rachel's parents and ask if she was with them--not even Loomis or Jamie?

Requiescat in pace, Krystle Papile. I'll always miss you. Justice was finally served.


Well, then Tina should have had a cameo in 4 and gotten some development. As it stands, she randomly shows up as a generic, if overly annoying, teenager we've never heard of essentially given an extended cameo and a pretty lame death.

It's pretty hard to get emotionally invested in her--especially because I was cheering for Michael to disembowel her given how annoying she was.

Requiescat in pace, Krystle Papile. I'll always miss you. Justice was finally served.
