question about the movie

in the movie Jerry seemed to be portrayed as very stupid and immature.


Jerry Lee was hot-headed and extremely jealous of Elvis' success. I don't know a lot about it, but Lewis was on tour with Elvis and Johnny Cash and Cash talks about it a little in his book, "Cash". I don't know that he was stupid, but childish isn't a stretch and all those boys were partiers, which isn't really dealt with in this film. Some substance abuse may have contributed to his behavior, and he did pride himself on being viewed as 'wild'.

In the end, Lewis wasn't pleased with the way he was portrayed in this movie.



Stupid? No. Immature? Definitely. Egotistical? Without a doubt. Jerry was a big kid which was the appeal for Myra and vice versa. I think Dennis Quaid and Winona Ryder did excellent jobs in this movie.
