MovieChat Forums > Ghostbusters II (1989) Discussion > Do, Re, Egon...I just got the stupid jok...

Do, Re, Egon...I just got the stupid joke

Re is supposed to be Ray. WTF.
Only an idiot that cannot read re (or do or mi or any other two letters word) would get this idiotic joke.

I always believed that Egon was just being egocentric or something like that.
It took only 32 years, that's how good the joke is. It still is funnier to think Egon just was being quirky.


Egon's smug grin afterwards is funnier than the joke.


I agree. His grin is also why I thought he was just being weird thinking out of the box, almost cool.


people don't believe Egon has a sense of humor. He does it's just more subtle than the others. I got it as a little kid. i think I am like Egon in personality.


No. You're just stupid.


"No" what?
Did you read me asking you or other dickless trolls like you any questions?


You said the joke was stupid and explained why you were unable to get it right away and how people who do get it must not be able to read. From that it was quite easy to conclude that it is you who is stupid. Not the joke.

Just about everything you wrote indicated that you're stupid.


You getting it confirms 100% what I wrote in the OP.

Read the second sentence carefully. That'll tell you everything you need to know.


Everything you post confirms that you're an idiot.


Exactly. I got it as a child.


Way to go outing yourself as a blithering moron and then consciously attempting to project it on everyone smarter than you. ~thumb_up


Way to go outing yourself for replying to a post you are too stupid to even understand what it states.


I got it the first time I saw it as a kid.

Sometimes jokes just land at different ages I guess.

At least your still enjoying the movie. Some people don't care for #2, but I always liked it. The court scene was my favorite. The tub slime was the creepiest.


Weren't you one of the SJ Warriors on the battlefield for Lady Ghostbusters on IMDB in 2016? Still mad the originals are better than the McCarthy reboot?


Are you out of your fucking mind?


The original Ghostbusters is by far the best, but the 2016 reboot is at least as good as the god-awful Ghostbusters 2.


Vigo is the best thing about the entire franchise so try again


Hey, if you liked it, good for you. I watched Ghostbusters II when it came out and thought it was shitty, then watched it again at home before the most recent Ghostbusters film came out and hated it just as much. I think Vigo was an uninspired retread of Zuul, and the entire movie was a poorly conceived, badly written, and half-assedly performed mess.


But they controlled the statue of liberty with the NES Advantage


You say that like it's a good thing. :)


Yes, all true Gb2 is inferior to the original and messy etc.

But that turd from 2016 is an insult to Gb, comedy, filmmaking and humanity.
It is not comparable to Gb or Gb2. It would loose against a video of a colonoscopy.


I disagree with you. Both Peter and Ray seem to act annoyed that Egon responded that way. But obviously the joke is that Ray sings his name so Egon just sings his name. That's how I always interpreted it.


Yes that used to be my interpretation too. But it is not the joke.
They are annoyed because Egon does not get that Ray is just continuing do, re, mi, fa etc, and he is not saying his own name. So, instead of mi,he says Egon.
Joke which you would get only if you also say "rey" instead of "re" to read re.
It is do re mi fa sol la si, NOT dough rey me fay soul la sey.


I thought I understood what you meant in your original post, but are you saying its really NOT pronounced dough ray me fah soul la tea dough?
do re mi fa sol la ti do

That is the way you pronounce it. At least thats what my elementary school taught. Unless the sound of music changed the way its pronounced.

I got the joke as a child. Egon is continuing the do re mi in his own smarmy fun way as "me" is another way for him to say "Egon" so he decided to throw them off on purpose by saying Egon. You seem to understand the joke now, but you are also writing that they are saying it wrong anyway?


I haven’t seen Ghostbusters II but is this a Sound of Music reference?
