MovieChat Forums > Ghostbusters II (1989) Discussion > Who else saw this in theaters?

Who else saw this in theaters?

I did when it premiered on my 8th birthday and saw it 3 times and had the cards, action figures, magazine and still own the CD soundtrack.

You killed Captain Clown, YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN-The Joker on Batman TAS



i saw it in theaters for my 7th birthday lol was awesome



I saw it in theaters and it was the first movie I saw multiple times.

(Family Guy)There is no Peter, only Zool.


I did. I was seven in the summer of '89. What's funny is that I saw Batman around the same time, which doesn't seem like that long ago, yet it feels like ages since I saw Ghostbusters II in the theater. I had the cards and the figures. I loved the new stuff like the pink slime "proton packs" (they weren't proton packs, but I called them that anyway).

Nostalgic blindness rarely factors into my enjoyment of stuff I used to enjoy anymore. For instance, a lot of the cartoons I liked in the 80s are barely watchable for me now. Howard the Duck, which I used to adore, is an awful movie. Garbage Pail Kids isn't much better. But when it comes to Ghostbusters II, I'm genuinely surprised at the negative reaction it still gets from some people. I think it definitely holds up. Not quite the classic the first one is, but still a great movie. I think I'll watch it later. It's been a while.

"He makes me laugh, he'a always humping and pointing at Reese Witherspoon." - rebschucks


Haha. I was 5. One of the first movies I ever remember seeing. I had the works, proton packs, action figures, cards, you name it haha.


I was 4 going on 5 when I saw it in theatres. I remember me and my brother made little flags out of Capri sun straws and newspaper clippings, we were so ready!


I saw it twice in theaters. I was 14 at the time.



I was 9 it was playing the same week as Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and my brother and I argued all the way home about which movie was better.

