Time for a part 3?

Chevy is an aging man now, but I think even Fletch can age. So why don't write a astory about a Fletch that is about to retire? The he finds a scope...

A heavy car chase would be fine. Maybe Fletch can drive an old Chevrolet then? The case in this film should be the use of a younger partner. Or someone young that is on the wrong side of the law but teams up with Fletch to be his sidekick. JTT for that part, I beg you!!!


Or Fletch could team up with Krypto the Wonder Dog and they find out how many licks it really takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop. Or not.


im suprised there hasnt been a Son of Fletch yet.


There is a new Fletch film due out this year called "Fletch Won" - which appears to be a prequel - here's the link on IMDb. Doesn't look like they've started filming yet.



i would see any new fletch movie that came out...

couldn't be as bad as caddyshack 2! :)

who is JTT? you don't mean justin timberlake do you???


Well, it won't have Chevy Chase... at least not as Irwin Fletcher. Last I heard, the prequel is being directed by the creator of Scrubs, and staring Zach Braff.

I was way more excited about "Fletch Won" when Kevin Smith and Jason Lee were thinking about doing it. Now it's been passed around so much, it'll probably just end up being lame.


Stories have circulated that Chevy met with Kevin Smith in 1998
to discuss making a new Fletch and that things did not go well.
Chevy claims that Smith kept him hanging, didn't return calls
and the planned proect died.

Looks like the way too long in development FLETCH WON appears
to have derailed once again...with all of these other 1980s
movie characters returning, why not bring Chevy back and make
a Fletch movie based on one of Gregory MacDonald's fine novels?

Besides when you think of Fletch WHO comes to mind?


In the books Fletch does have a son. I think he appears in the novel "Fletch, Too".

"A commitment to cinema means to lead a technically deviant lifestyle."
