MovieChat Forums > Field of Dreams (1989) Discussion > Would a baseball field worth of corn rea...

Would a baseball field worth of corn really make a difference?

Baseball fields are between 2 and 3 acres in size. A typical small family farm is hundreds of acres. Would it really have made a difference?

Plus, the decision to replace the field with corn would have to be done at planting time. Any other time, it would be too late to use the field for crops.

Loved the movie, but I always wondered if the 'get rid of the field or lose the farm' drama was a bit contrived.


Well, I think it would depend in part on how cynical the person advocating against a baseball field might be. As far as divining any true answer, it may welcome down to this observation from a much later film: "'s a fool that looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart." It's better to just go with the concept.

reply the middle of a farm really matter? NO.....why should anyone have to maintain a baseball field for a bunch of sentimental film nerds? It was maintained for 25 years time to do something else with it.....thankfully its been the space can be used for something worthwhile.......the field unfortunately will remain but the farm will be the charm for the film fans will be


That went over your head, didn't it?



You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!
