Stingy Terrance Mann

Why didn't Mann just loan Ray the money to cover the tardy mortgage payments. Geez.


Ray was proud and didn't ask.

The same point did occur to me many many years ago, though.

Hell, Terence probably had enough money to buy the whole farm for him free and clear.


4) You ever seen Superman $#$# his pants? Case closed.


Hell, Terence probably had enough money to buy the whole farm for him free and clear.
Not sure about that. Lives in a rather dingy apartment in a gritty Boston neighborhood. Well-known people do mismanage their finances sometimes, and having stopped writing and withdrawn into virtual hermit status I doubt he's pulling down much of a salary (although hopefully still drawing residual checks).

Entirely possible that he's not very rich at all.


for real. mann was a jerk.



There is a deleted scene where Ray is hanging laundry and Terrence offers to give him some money to save the farm but Ray says he's done enough.
