WAR STORY (sort of)

I was born in 1939, so I don't remember the start of WWII, but I sure remember the end. I was out side playing, when people started yelling and screaming, lighting fireworks, shooting guns, I was terrified. I thought we were being invaded! Then somebody told me the war was over. I grew up in Hanford/Richland, Wa. My dad was a reactor operator on the reactor that made the Plutonium for the Nagasaki bomb. Everybody who lived in Richland felt like they had a direct hand in the ending of the war. and... in maintaining the peace through the cold war. I guess what I'm getting to, is, watching the news reels in the theaters, seeing the dead and wounded come home, listening to the radio news, if you weren't there, you will never know what it was like. The Empire of Japan had Hiroshima and Nagasaki and a lot more coming to them. You don't believe me? Ask the citizens of Nanking. The Japs started it and we finished it. Simple as that. One more thing, I worked on H-weapons in the Navy, and my brother-in-law worked for Lawrence-livermore labs. We were a real "nuclear family" ;)

Nuke 'em till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark!



I was born in 1935, and I can relate to him quite well. I also was stationed at Camp Hanford Wash. On a NIKE missile battery protecting that nuclear facility. If you weren't alive back then you cannot relate to what he is talking about. YOU ARE THE DIPSH*T.

Help stamp out and do away with redundancy



First of all you are entitled to your whiny a$$ opinion. I don't know how old you are, but in August of 1945 the U.S. was involved in a war that the Japs started. We ended it. Any of the combatants involved in WW 2 wwould have used the A-bomb if they would have had it. We had it, we used it. I thank President Truman for that.

Secondly your knowledge of missiles is pathetic... The Nike was NOT an ICBM. It was a SAM. Surface to air missiie. Used for DEFENSE. It was not replaced by the THOR, it was replaced by Nike Hercules, another SAM.

Your entire post was a rambling attempt to force your juvenile naivete on a veteran who served his country when he was called to duty. You have no concept of duty. You have very little concept of anything. You are a big pile of sh*t. Help stamp out and do away with redundancy



YOU are one sick puppy!

Help stamp out and do away with redundancy


Most of his posts are full of such drivel. Poor guy. Such a dire need to be acknowledged. He's the guy in the restaurant who speaks loud enough for the entire crowd to hear. He looks out of the corner of his eye to make sure he's getting attention. *I wonder if they are marveling at my winsome words*

Pathetic young man.

These eggs have yellow eyes. But if I turn them, the yellow is gone.





Oh, I forgot a couple of things, my dad was a reactor operator on the "B" reactor that made the Plutonium for "Fat Man", and my uncle was one of the guys that hauled the "Little Boy" parts from the USS Indianapolis to the airfield at Tinian. You want to talk about evil? Ask the good citizens of Nanking about evil, or the victims of unit 731.

Nuke 'em till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark!
