Is Kevin Tighe in this movie?

After the scene where Groves convinces Oppenheimer to support the dropping of the bomb, the first speaker in the next scene resembles Kevin Tighe. Is that actor Kevin Tighe or someone who just looks like him?



Better still... Is Bette Midler in it with an unbilled cameo?

I'm thinking of the sequence during the Los Alamos party celebrating the fall of Germany, when the doctor is doing his impression of Gen. Groves!


Yes. Kevin Tighe.


Yeah, I concur. That is definitely Kevin Tighe. I'm a bit annoyed that Fred Dalton Thompson is given a credit in this movie while Tighe remains unbilled, despite the fact that Tighe has just as many lines as Thompson & is a loads better actor. Not to mention the fact that the actor playing the officer who speaks directly after Tighe is also uncredited, which means that in both cases I'll never know if these characters they're portraying are meant to represent actual historical figures.
