Glass Crack Pipe

I just couldn't believe the depravity of this movie when I saw it first. Tony Perkins is so obviously smoking a crack Pipe, there's no doubt of it. I found this to be the most sordid film I've ever seen and Anthony Perkins' condition was so far gone, I really think he was smoking what Richard Pryor was. He even took demented relish in inhaling the substance to the point it was unbearable to watch, even more sordid than Harvey Keitel's drug smoking scenes in Bad Lieutenant which surprisingly enough doesn't hold a candle to this movie when it comes to Demented drug dosing. It's really difficult to sit through the drug taking scenes in this flic. Amazing they even got away with it.


When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


All in the name of art, my friend. Anthony Perkins gave a stellar performance here, and we're all the better for it. I love this film in all its depravity.


Thanks to this film I now know that Dr. Jekyll created crack cocaine and became Jack the Ripper (a.k.a. Mr. Hyde) from smoking said crack cocaine.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!
