Okay...what's the deal?

So...Dr. Jekyll's lab monkey invents freebase during the Victorian Era. Fair enough. Jekyll becomes the world's first crackhead. Check. Crackhead Jekyll then becomes Hyde. Gotcha. Hyde becomes Jack the Ripper (though his murders don't remotely resemble the ACTUAL Ripper murders). I can deal with that. Every time Jekyll hits the crack pipe, he's transported into a realm where everyone dresses like it's the 1980s. Wait, WHAT? Hold on one second there, Mister!

Seriously...the guy gets cracked out of his gourd, heads to Whitechapel...and suddenly, it's the late 20th Century. Look at the way the prostitutes are dressed. Look at everyone's hair. So, what...in the nicer parts of London, it's the 1880s, and in the East End, it's a hundred years later?




This movie was just all over the place. At times, the cinematography was pretty damn great...I have to give it that. But even Anthony Perkins's performance fluctuates between pretty good and hilariously awful. Much like everything else in the film (those things that aren't just hilariously awful, anyway). But aside from everything else, the Victorian-era prostitutes who look like they're really into Madonna just bugged the sh!t outta me. I kept waiting for some whacked-out time travel subplot to be introduced, but no...apparently, this is what the director actually believed Victorian hookers wore. Or something. Who the hell knows? I don't...that's why I started this topic in the first place. I'm completely LOST.

Though the fact that the film was made by a European porno director explains a lot.


Yeah, that was my concern too. What the hell, all the hookers are dressed like Madonna? My answer is just that being high, this was his perception of reality.


Yeah, that's probably what everyone was thinking when they made this: "Oops, we ran out of Victorian-era outfits!" "Hey, relax! Hyde's on crack and *beep*, so let's have everyone wear their real clothes and say it's his trip!"


I Thought both costumes and dialogue of the hookers seem to be very 1980s hairstyles the whole works very odd.


Yet.... In spite of all this films shortcomings you guys all point out, I still really enjoyed this film!
Especially since I found the DVD at Big Lots for 3 bucks!
Good flick!

Trust me,
My, you're nosey, aren't you?


This was a film that celebrated the centennial of the Ripper murders, by adapting Jekyll & Hyde into a period piece for modern 1980s audiences. It's schizophrenic, and amazing. I loved every moment of it!

I am the sod-off shotgun.
