A Talent Free Embarrasement

According to Author P.F Kluge, the first one was compared to Citizen Kane, which the author didn't object to, the sequel however was another story.

I personally loved the first one, the soundtrack was really spot on and the overall story had me hooked.

With that in mind, and considering the amount of negativity towards the sequel and the adulation given to the original, did Michael Pare need the money, if he considered Eddie & The Cruisers his best movie, why sour it by making the sequel.

If Pare had said no, would Scotti Bros Pictures have made the sequel without him?


Eddie & The Cruisers is the movie he's best known for even back then so what actor wouldn't want to capitalize on that fame with a sequel? Hey it was the 80s. The land of bad movies. He didn't know it was a gonna suck.


I actually enjoy the sequel more then part 1. Love both movies but part 2 just stands out more for me.



I'd enjoy the sequel much, much more if it didn't stomp all over the original story so much. It's one of those sequels that fought too hard to get itself made in spite of itself and its foundation.
